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Categories: Interviews

JAson Paradis, Club Bel Ami chat, 11 November 2001

On Saturday, 11 November 2001, Jason Paradis chatted with many fans in the belamionline chat room. Because Club Bel Ami members are spread all over the globe, the chats start at 22:00 (10:00 PM) in Central Europe.
We present this chat with very little editing; some grammar was smoothed over, spelling corrected, and a very few of the follow-up questions were moved just after the topic they reference. Otherwise, itâ??s a good example of the informative and sometimes jocular nature of the chat format. Jason kidded around a lot during the chat, and a smiley-face is now put in several appropriate places so that his answers can be read in the appropriate context.

Jason: Hello everybody. Thank you for coming to my first chat!

Q: Just wanted to say that you are very good looking, Jason.
Jason: Thank you.

Q: How old are you and how long have you been in the modeling business?
Jason: I'm 20 years old. I started with regular modeling when I was 18, and erotic modeling last Spring [2000].

Q: Hi Jason, did you read my posting on you [in the Forum]?
Jason: No, not yet. But I will after the chat.

Q: Jason, we have been looking forward to this, how are you feeling?
Jason: I've been looking forward to it also, but I'm a little nervousâ??it's the first "interview" I've ever done in my life.

Q: Hello, Jason. It's good to talk to you. Where do you live?
Jason: It depends ... my family lives in Northern Moravia which is a region close to the Polish border of the Czech Republic. But I moved to Prague 1-1/2 years ago.

Webmaster: This will be a little slower than last week with Sebastian â?? Jason speaks virtually no English. All of the questions as well has his answers have to be translated. Thanks for your patience.

Q: Is there a big difference between acting as a fashion model and a porn model?
Jason: There are two major differences. For regular modeling you don't need an erection! And in porn modeling you make more money, at least in the Czech Republic.

Q: Do you prefer to be bottom or top?
Jason: I definitely prefer to be bottom.

Q: I understand Jeff Daniels is your close buddy, is that true?
Jason: Yes, I could say so.

Q: Did you bottom for Jeff?
Jason: Well ... not for the camera!

Q: Is Jeff the ace top he seems to be?
Jason: Jeff is a very "universal" person. George Duroy employed him because he's very talented with computers and cameras. And he wants to use him on and off camera. Jeff has a very similar personality to Johan. He's very communicative and rather extravagant! And he's great sex, both top and bottom.

Q: Several of us would like to hear the story of how you came to Bel Ami, please.
Jason: It was very simple. One of Bel Ami's model scouts found me in my local gym in Northern Moravia.

Q: Is this chat taking place in Bel Amiâ??s offices?
Jason: No, it's in George Duroy's townhouse.

Q: Are you in the same place as Sebastian last week? If so, who's sleeping in the loft tonight? If it's you, who with?
Jason: Yes, I'm sitting in exactly the same place. Julian Armanis, who drove me here, and I will both be sleeping in the loft tonight. And not for the first time!

Q: In one of your photo galleries you have lots of body hair. In the other and in "CoverBoys" you are smooth. Which look do you prefer?
Jason: Since I shaved my body, I discovered that I don't really lik

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Categories: Interviews

Sebastian Bonnet, Club Bel Ami chat, 3 November 2001

On Saturday, 3 November 2001 , Sebastian Bonnet made his second appearance in the Club Bel Ami moderated chat room.
This is the complete text of that chat, augmented with material taken from other question-and-answer sessions from the past and slightly updated by Sebastian. As usual, nothing was deleted, but the chat was slightly edited; some grammar was smoothed over, spelling corrected, and the order of the questions moved around to group the questions by topic.

Q: Where are you now, in Prague or in Bratislava?
Sebastian: Bratislava.

Q: Do you have any other job or do you work full time for Bel Ami?
Sebastian: I work full time for Bel Ami.

Q: Are you Czech or Slovak? Do you speak English or other languages?
Sebastian: I am Slovak. Like all the people in my country I speak both the Czech and Slovak languages. I also speak Englishâ??I studied English in school here, but I also went to an English language school in Malta. I also understand and speak a little German.

Q: You speak English so well!
Sebastian: I would say that I speak decent English.

Q: Are you typing your own answers or is someone else typing for you? You said while in the Army you were a typist and not so good at it! I was in the U.S. Army as a clerk for 8 years!
Sebastian: The Webmaster is typing. I can't type so fast at all. And my typing is not accurate. You wouldn't want me to be your secretary!

Q: My family came from Bardejov, Slovakia a hundred years ago. Have you been there? If so, what is it like?
Sebastian: Yes I was there because my mother visits the spa there. But it used to be a historical city and it's famous for its 15th century hand-carved wooden statues and churches.

Q: Tomorrow will be my birthday, when is yours?
Sebastian: My birthday is in May. I'm a Taurus.

Q: Do you have a boyfriend?
Sebastian: Right now I have plenty of boyfriends. I'm fucking so many boys at Bel Ami it's enough for me!

Q: Whom do you prefer as a partner?
Sebastian: Right now, I'm spending a lot of time with Matt Phillipe.

Q: Do you still live with your parents?
Sebastian: No, I have my own apartment. We filmed the scene with Ryan Pawlowski in â?oPersonal Trainers 2â?? in my apartment.

Q: Are you living-in with someone?
Sebastian: Not right now.

Q: How are you dressed tonight?
Sebastian: I'm wearing light blue jeans and a dark blue Adidas tee-shirt and Calvin Klein underwear. But I'm getting warm and I'm going to take the shirt off in a moment.

Q: Do you work full-time for Bel Ami?
Sebastian: Yes, I work full-time for Bel Ami and I enjoy it very much. I do several things: I work on postproduction, doing pre-editing of the raw footage in preparation for George Duroy to edit the videos, I shoot some of the castings for the web site, and sometimes I am asked to train some of the new boys before they can film. This is a great job!

Q: Do you earn good money with your Bel Ami job?
Sebastian: I don't complain about my earnings!

Q: Have you attended any university?
Sebastian: No, I didn't. I immediately went to work.

Q: Do you have to be in the army there or did you choose to?
Sebastian: In Slovakia it is compulsory to be in the army for one year. But two years ago our government decided that in 2006 the country will have only a professional army. I did

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Categories: Interviews

Jeff Daniels, Club Bel Ami chat, 30 August 2001

On Friday, 30 August 2002, Jeff Daniels made his first-ever appearance in the Club Bel Ami moderated chat room. As has become customary, the chat started at 22:00 CET (10:00 PM) in Central Europe to accommodate Club Bel Ami members who joined the chat from all over the globe.

Jeff: Hello, everybody. I just drove here from Prague and I might be a little tired. I had a final exam in school today which I was postponing for a long time.

Q: What are you studying in school?
Jeff: I was doing my final exams from high school which I postponed a few years for various reasons. I will go to university next, and first I had to do this.

Q: Looking forward to using Jeff's tour guide info [from the "An American in Prague" DVD] when visiting Prague next week. Any new ideas?
Jeff: Prague is a real mess right now after the biggest floods in history. So it's probable that some of the places I suggested wouldn't be cleaned up and re-opened yet.

Q: When is your birthday and how old will you be?
Jeff: In October I'll be 21.

Q: What languages do you speak?
Jeff: I speak Czech, of course, and English and a little German.

Q: Jeff, you are very handsome ... are you from Prague?
Jeff: Yes. I was born there. And I've lived there all my life.

Q: How has the flooding affected you?
Jeff: I left shortly before the floods for my parents' country house to have a place to study, so I luckily wasn't there during the worst time. But everybody in Prague is affected one way or another. Just the fact that the metro is not functioning and won't be in operation until a few more months created a terrible mess in the transportation system. There are still whole quarters of the city which are closed and being checked for safety because some of the houses and streets are still collapsing. And there still are whole sections of town without gas or electricity. Don't forget that 100,000 people were evacuated from Prague.

Q: If I remember right, Jason Paradis, Tim Hamilton, and Danny Saradon all live in Prague. Do you ever see them and were they in the flooded areas?
Jeff: Of the ones you mention, only Jason lives in Prague. Tim lives on a mountain 20 km from Prague. Danny lives quite far away, to the east. As far as I know, Jason's apartment was not in the flooded area.

Q: What are you wearing right now? Are you going to strip just like Tim [Hamilton, in his chat] did? Will we see it?
Jeff: I'm wearing a tee shirt and long pants because there are tons of mosquitoes around today. But I can certainly strip for you later.

Q: Are the mosquitoes a consequence of the flooding?
Jeff: Yes. Unfortunately.

Q: How well do you know English? Fluently?
Jeff: Well enough to have pillow talk with you!

Q: Do you prefer to have your hair long or short?
Jeff: Somewhere in the middle.

Q: Are your parents and other family members aware of your porn career?
Jeff: No, they don't have a clue.

Q: How many brothers and sisters do you have?
Jeff: I have one younger sister. She's 14.

Q: Do you have any idea how or why you got the name Jeff Daniels?
Jeff: I always suspected that it has something to do with my favorite Jack Daniels whiskey. One of the reasons why I got the name "Jeff" was that George Duroy was thinking about doing something called "Jeff's Journal" and it sounded good with the word Journal.

Q: Did you know that there is a

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Categories: Interviews

George Duroy talks about Personal Trainers, Freshmen, Summer, 2001

Q: Why do you ´train´ your models before you put them in a video?
Duroy: With training sessions it is similar to the situation with the castings. Most of the models are newcomers to gay sex. 90% of them have no previous experience with filming or modeling and 70% of them have minimum experience with condoms. So there are several tasks ahead for us.
1. The model must get used to the specifics of gay sex.
2. They have to get used to condoms.
3. They must get used to the fact that somebody is watching them during a sexual encounter and giving them instructions.
4. They must understand that sex for the camera is rather different than real life. We need to see everything which means different positions and more variety during sex. It also means they must be aware of camera angles, etc. So the training sessions have to take into account all of these aspects. If some models in ´Personal Trainers´ look slightly more ´experienced´ it means that they already handled the sexual aspects of training and now we are preparing them to perform for the camera.

Q: It looks like the boys had sex with another boy before. Is that the case, or was it any of their first times?
Duroy: For all of them what you see in the video is their first time in front of a camera. Since their very first ´training´ is usually very clumsy and sometimes uncomfortable, we usually, but not always, wait with the camera for their third or fourth session. I do my best to film them only when I feel they are comfortable and prepared enough for the camera.

Q: The third ´trainee´, who is absolutely stunning, was poked by both Sebastian and Dano. Had he been fucked before?
Duroy: You are referring to Gilles Marais, a tall, lean, muscular boy with real personal charm. This is one of the cases where it was genuinely his first time ever. He loses his cherry in front of your very eyes. He was able to handle it because he just got out of the army -- he was a paratrooper -- and it was easier for him to overcome physically uncomfortable moments than it was for other boys. When he arrived for his training I asked him if we can film it, he agreed, but Marty Stevens gave up after 15 or 20 minutes and told me he was too stiff. So I talked to Gilles one more time and we gave it another try. The result is what you see in the video. His first film is now in production (Summer, 2001).

Q: How long do the sessions usually last?
Duroy: Normally about two hours including the shower afterwards. The sex is about 60 minutes so what you see in the film is pretty accurate. The average episode in the video lasts 40-45 minutes.

Q: Do you pay models for these training sessions?
Duroy: Sure, we pay for everything, we pay good money and we pay immediately. We pay also if it doesnâ??t work out as long as we see the model is doing his best.

Q: Itâ??s not so much training as it is practicing, right? No oneâ??s had to actually show one of the boys how to do something, have they?
Duroy: We have to show them basically everything from scratch. How to clean and how to relax their anus, how to use lubes and vibrators, how to hold their dicks so their hands wouldnâ??t obscure the view for the camera ... there is a long list of things to learn. It takes a lot of time and energy to train them. Most of the time sex starts to be hot only after they handle the techniques and can think about sex only.

Q: The sex is pretty hot, mostly I think, because it isnâ??t staged

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Categories: Interviews

Johan Paulik, Special interview with Johan's private pictures, 2001

with Johan's private pictures

In Johan's own words: "Almost every day people write me, 'Are you going to do any more films?' or 'What plans do you have for your future?' I will answer again here that I think I will not do more films, but there is at least one more scene that I did which has not been released, the episode I did with Ralf Kaplan (he has such a huge dick!) which was supposed to go in 'An American in Prague.' This scene will be released somewhere, sometime, I am sure of it. Right now, I'm employed full-time with Bel Ami and am happy and secure with my job, so for now I can only say that I will stay with Bel Ami.
Next, many fans write me and ask me to answer them personally, or give out my private e-mail address. Well, I'm sorry to say that I can't do either. My life is so busy that I just don't have the time to write all the many, many people who ask me to be their e-mail 'pen pal.' I don't want to ignore your requests and I really appreciate all the mail and the nice things you all say to me and I hope you understand."
A main reason why I have not made more movies the last few years is because I have a chronically inflamed prostate and it's not possible to be a bottom. I like being a bottom, I want to do it, but I just can't even put a finger up my ass without great pain! It is particularly bad in cold weather. I have been to doctors in Slovakia, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Russia and New York and no one has been able to cure it. One of the reasons I traveled to the U.S. so many times was to go back to the doctors. All of the doctors everywhere said that it came as a result of my sports activities all my life and not from getting fucked. I even tried homeopathic remedies and nothing helped. And please, don't discuss this on the Forum board which can be read by anyone on the internet. This information is just for you, my loyal friends.

Q: Are you gay?
Paulik: This is the number one question I am asked, and mostly by Americans! I don't like to answer this question because it is not a simple answer. In my country NO ONE is gay in the American sense, although many men have sex with other men. You all see my videos. I'm not such a good actor as Brad Pitt or Robert De Niro. I couldn't do it if I didn't like it. What I really don't like is putting a "label" on myself.

Q: In your real life, do you often have sex with other men and do you make love with them like you do with Chance in ''An American in Prague'?
Paulik: What an intimate question! But to give you an answer, George Duroy captures us on video doing only what we enjoy doing. And I really liked Chance and was turned on by him and, I suppose, also the other way around. So in my personal life when I am with someone I really like, I think I pretty much am the same as you see in my video(s).

Q: What languages do you speak?
Paulik: Fluently, I speak Slovak and Czech (they are very similar, but have many different words and pronunciation) and English, and I can also make some small conversation in German and Russian.

Q: Describe your family? How do you get along with them?
Paulik: My family is very close and friendly. I have two older sisters and I see them often. Until recently I lived with my parents. I just got my own apartment.

Q: Do you have a partner? How do they feel about your video work? About your fame? Or do they not know?
Paulik: I have been very close with the same person for many years. My partner knows almost everything about my work. But we donâ??t speak about it. It´s understood that itâ??s my private thing.

Q: What is an average day like for you?
Paulik: First of all, I work full time with Bel Ami. On a normal work day, I get up at 7:30 AM. Then

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