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Categories: Interviews

Julian Armanis, Club Bel Ami chat, 7 December 2002

On Saturday, 7 December 2002, Julian Armanis made his third appearance in the Club Bel Ami moderated chat room. As has become customary, the chat started at 22:00 CET (10:00 PM) in Central Europe to accommodate Club Bel Ami members who joined the chat from all over the globe.
What follows is a transcript of the chat, edited only to smooth out the English grammar and spelling and re-order the questions and answers into a more readable form. Also, Julian made some tiny clarifications in his the answers.

Member: Julian, I have been watching your clips for two hours to get ready for thisâ??you rock!

Member: Julian, one of the main reasons I joined Bel Ami and started watching the films was because I was in a shop and saw the cover of â?oThe English Student.â??
Julian: Thank you, that's flattering.

Q: What is your nationality, Julian?
Julian: I'm Czech.

Q: Do you like Czech classical music?
Julian: I listen to very little classical music. I prefer jazz or blues, or calmer music.

Q: Excellent choices. Do you play any instruments?
Julian: Unfortunately not. I can only play the radio.

Q: What is your favorite color?
Julian: I like simple and dark colors. Like grey, blue and brown.

Q: What kind of underwear do you like best?
Julian: Stretch boxer shorts. I really like the Calvin Kleins.

Q: What kind of car do you drive?
Julian: I have a Volkswagon Golf.

Q: Is your golf a convertible?
Julian: It's a 5-door wagon so I would have enough space for sports equipment.

Q: What are your hobbies?
Julian: Swimming, skiing, mountain-biking, squash, bowling and also computers. And I also like to see movies.

Q: Did you used to swim competitively and if so at what level did you compete? What was your best event and how successful were you?
Julian: I swam competitively when I was from 14-16. But later I didn't have enough time to do it. It was the Junior competitions. It's difficult to tell what level I was at, but I was good at it. Marty Stevens was a competitive swimmer for eight years and he was a very talented swimmer, one of the best in the Slovak Republic. He won many competitions.

Q: Julian, I enjoy skiing as well. Are you a downhill skier or a cross-country skier?
Julian: I prefer downhill skiing. I'm not old enough for cross-country! (laughing)

Q: In your letter to fans, you mention getting permissions to build a roof-top apartmentâ??did you finish it? Did it turn out well? Are you still living there?
Julian: In the end, I bought a different apartment, and it was Tommy Hansen who built the roof apartment instead. He finished it last week.

Q: Do you get much fan mail so that you can know how popular you are amongst the world's gay community?
Julian: I don't get a lot of fan mail, but what I do receive I'm happy to read. I'm aware that people like me, but I really don't feel it in my everyday life.

Q: Julian, have you ever been recognized in public?
Julian: From time to time, but only when I'm abroad. I'm not as lucky as Johan who, it seems, is being recognized by half of the flight attendants on the globe and gets upgrades all the time.

Q: Julian, your demeanor is so friendly and easy-going on camera. Is there anything that makes you upset or mad?
Julian: What can make me mad is when I'm supposed to be a nice boy in front of the camera for a long time. But what really makes me ma

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Categories: Interviews

Danny Saradon, Club Bel Ami chat, 20 April 2002

On Saturday, 20 April 2002 , Danny Saradon made his first appearance in the Club Bel Ami moderated chat room. As has become customary, the chat started at 22:00 CET (10:00 PM) in Central Europe to accommodate Club Bel Ami members from all over the globe.
This is the complete text of the chat, nothing was deleted, presented with just a little editing; some grammar was smoothed over, spelling corrected, a few points clarified, and the order of the questions moved around so that the follow-up questions actually follow the questions they are supposed to follow-up!

Q: Tim [Hamilton]'s birthday was last week. When is yours and how old will you be?
Danny: I'll be 20 years old on May 14 of this year.

Q: Which region do you come from and where do you live?
Danny: I'm from Northern Moravia in the Czech Republic, but I'm planning on moving to Prague this summer.

Q: Are you still in full-time education and what are your plans?
Danny: I finished my school last year and right now I'm working full-time as a model for Bel Ami. By training, I'm a cook and waiter. And after finishing my contract with Bel Ami, in one or two year's time, I'd like to get some experience in the U.S. or Australia.

Q: Have you had to do any national service yet?
Danny: I got my blue card last year because I have some kidney problem, so I don't have to serve in the military.

Q: How old were you when you first had sex with a girl or a boy?
Danny: I was 13 and it was with my cousin who was the same age as I. For summer vacation I was sent to my family, they have a farm in the country. We had plenty of anal sex. It was so intense that I almost couldn't piss the next day, my dick hurt so much afterwards. It happened quite by accident. We were playing "doctor" and all of a sudden it slid in! It was really something, because my aunt and uncle were watching TV in the next room.

Q: Do you still see your cousin in the country?
Danny: Yes, but there's nothing sexual anymore.

Q: Tell us about your family, please, Danny - parents, brothers, sisters?
Danny: I have one sister, three years younger than me. My parents are divorced. My mother owns a beauty salon in Prague. My father lives in the small town where I live and works as an accountant. I also had a very difficult experience last week. Both of my grandparents on my father's side were killed in a car accident and it's still very hard for me.
[The Members offered sincere condolences]

Q: Do you come from a religious background?
Danny: Czechs are generally very lukewarm towards religion. And most of the people wouldn't go to church, which wouldn't necessarily mean they don't have religious beliefs. In the Czech Republic, I believe that people don't connect their religion with sexual activities.

Q: Do your parents know that you are working for Bel Ami?
Danny: No. They don't know and I'm not quite sure what would happen if they would find out.

Q: Do you still live at home or do you have your own apartment now?
Danny: I have my own apartment, but as I told you I plan to move to Prague because Jason Paradis has a vacancy in his apartment and we can share it.

Q: In "Personal Trainers 2" you show a very cheeky grin and sense of fun. Are you always like this?
Danny: I believe I am most of the time like this. Actually, in that episode, I was in one of my more reserved moods.

Q: Are you a very easy person to approach and get to know? And how long do you need to know someone before having sex?
Danny: As f

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Categories: Interviews

Tim Hamilton, Club Bel Ami chat, 13 April 2002

On Saturday, 13 April 2002 , Tim Hamilton made his second appearance in the Club Bel Ami moderated chat room. Because Club Bel Ami members are spread all over the globe, the chats start at 22:00 CET (10:00 PM) in Central Europe.
This is the complete text of the chat, nothing was deleted, presented with just a little editing; some grammar was smoothed over, spelling corrected, and the order of the questions moved around so that the follow-up questions actually follow the questions they are supposed to follow-up!

Tim: Hello to everyone. I'm happy to have a chat today, it's my 20th birthday today! [Many members offered congratulations] Thank you all.

Q: Hi Tim, many happy returns. What sporting interests do you have?
Tim: Football [soccer], tennis, fitness, swimming, I do many sports.

Q: When you play soccer, what position do you play?
Tim: Offense.

Q: Hi Tim, you sure do kiss well, do you really like it?
Tim: Yes. I like kissing and cuddling a lot.

Q: Happy birthday, Tim. Did you have a birthday party? And if so, who was invited?
Tim: Not yet, I'll have a party after I return home. Today was a working day for me.

Q: With whom did you work today?
Tim: A new boy whose name is â?oPepa,â?? (he doesn't have an artistic name yet). He was here for a photo shoot and a training session. He's also blonde and 20 years old, but he's taller than me.

Q: Did you train Pepa?
Tim: Yes.

Q: Are you sometimes a trainer now?
Tim: Yes, I am helping out with trainings and also driving boys. I bought a new car recently. I also work as a model scout and a location finder.

Q: Where does Bel Ami get most of its models?
Tim: I guess most of the models come from model scouts.

Q: Are you a natural (real) blond?
Tim: During the summer I have natural blonde hair, while during the wintertime when my hair gets darker I help it along.

Q: How tall are you and how much do you weigh?
Tim: I'm 5'11 and I weigh about 160 lbs (70 kg).

Q: Are you really as innocent as you come across in your videos?
Tim: (laughing) I'm about as innocent as Lolita.

Q: Were you really interviewed for the British magazine â?oGay Timesâ?? or did they invent the answers? They reported that you said you were bisexual. Is this true?
Tim: Yes, I was interviewed by telephone and it was George Duroy who interpreted the questions for me. At that time I still had a girlfriend who broke up with me because she found out that I'm shooting gay porn.

Q: Who spotted you for Bel Ami? How did it happen?
Tim: I was brought in by one of Bel Ami's model scouts, but was a rather funny situation. The first time I was approached by one of the scouts I was not yet 18 so he told me I would have to wait. And sometime later, when I was already of age, a different Bel Ami scout asked me the same question and brought me into the offices.

Q: Can you remember what the scouts said to you at first?
Tim: The scouts told me I am a cute boy and I have a good body and I could make some money because of it. And would I like to work as a photo model?

Q: Had you ever seen any gay porn before you came to Bel Ami?
Tim: Not really, I only saw a few covers in rental shops.

Q: Your very first Casting appearance showed that amazing "no hands" hard-on. Does that happen a lot?
Tim: Unfortunately yes. Sometimes it happe

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Categories: Interviews

Marty Stevens, Club Bel Ami chat, 5 January 2002

On 5 January 2002 Bel Ami's cameraman/director Marty Stevens answered questions posed by Bel Ami Club members in the moderated chatroom. After this session, the Webmaster reorganized the text according to topic and augmented it with some answers Marty gave to a mini-question and answer session from 2001. Then Marty checked over the text and made slight modifications.

Q: How old are you?
MARTY: I am 28.

Q: Where are you from?
MARTY: I'm Slovak, from Bratislava.

Q: How do you stay in such good shape?
MARTY: My lifestyle hasn't changed since I was 18. I go out a lot and I work out.

Q: How many videos have you done and have you met Nico Tiziani?
MARTY: I've shot about 17 videos so far. I shot Nico's casting and I worked with him many times.

Q: What was the first video you filmed for Bel Ami?
MARTY: Aside from the "101" videos, the first episode I shot was the one in "Frisky Summer 3" with Valentin Nabokov and Sebastian Bonnet.

Q: Do you work exclusively for George?
MARTY: Yes. Even though I filmed one video for Higgins, it was at George's request. And quite frankly, after that experience, I don't have any desire to repeat it.

Q: What was so bad about shooting a Higgins video?
MARTY: Higgins.

Q: Does your family know what kind of work you do?
MARTY: All the people around me know. They asked me a long time ago and I told them the truth.

Q: Marty, what is your favorite cuisine, French, Italian, Greek, etc?
MARTY: I like to try out different cuisines â?? anything new. I experiment a lot, but I have no preference.

Q: Thanks for sharing your vacation pix. Do you recommend Thailand as a vacation destination?
MARTY: Of course. I spent very nice days and I think that it wasn't the last time I will be in Thailand.

Q: Did you sample any of the famous (or infamous) sex shows in Thailand?
MARTY: No, for most of the time I was on a very small island, where there are none of the sex shows. I see so much sex in my life that I wanted to concentrate on scuba diving!

Q: What are you working on now, Marty?
MARTY: We are preparing one new video in two parts which I shot in December. It's similar to "Personal Trainers." We filmed 8 episodes and used many trainers this time.

Q: Are you answering the questions by yourself or do you have the Bel Ami Webmasterâ??s help?
MARTY: I speak fluent English, but the Webmaster is doing all the typing. I can't type.

Q: Where did you learn English?
MARTY: When I was 18 I was traveling a lot across Europe and I learned while talking to the others I met on those trips.

Q: How did George Duroy find you back in 1991?
MARTY: I was 18 years old, still in school, and a member of a swimming team. I was brought by a friend of mine, Rado, who was one of the earliest models for Bel Ami. We were attending a wedding of a mutual friend, we were drunk, and he asked me if I would make nude photos with an erection. It was a surprise for me, but I thought, sure, why not. I didn't really hesitate.

Q: Do you go back as far as Benjy Sanders?
MARTY: I go back even further. The first time I worked with George was in 1991, Benjy came to work in 1994. My photo set was George's first cover, for "Playguy." After that photo shoot, I started to work as

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