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Hi there!

What's to tell you about this clip? Well, for one thing, I definitely I spent a lot of time preparing it for you. Even if it looks easy and smooth going it took energy and concentration to put it together for you. I feel quite exhausted!

The models, as you see, were Todd, Keanu, Justin, Jean and Manuel, a handsome bunch you'll agree.

The sequence itself lasts 17 minutes, contains a lot of talk and that means plenty of subtitles. I put in as many situations as I could simply because they're so interesting to watch but it does mean more reading for you, my dears, so sit up straight and pay attention. You in the back, don't fidget.

The main thing was that these had to be soft core photographs. Let me be more exact, unlike what usually goes on around here, no dicks were allowed - the boys had to keep themselves covered with their hands or legs or whatever.

Then a tiny problem "raised its head". Todd and Keanu were supposed to be simulating a typical situation from a regular porn session but sexy Todd, a horny little bitch if ever there was one, started to suck Keanu's cock. Both of them instantly got hard so we had to stop to cool them off.

Todd told me he thought shooting real porn was a lot easier than these decorous photo shoots. I tell ya, you never know what to expect around here.

Too much happened during the shoot to explain it here in full detail, it'd take too much space, so you'd better watch it on film. It's much better than my words.

Later on, we see both Jean Morocco and Manuel on the set.

They weren't there from the very beginning because Jean had his football training and Manuel had a long car journey to get to us but, never mind, we've got them photographed separately, one by one.

To explain what the photographer from AXM was doing, he was using red tape to bandage the boys or to make lines with it. They explained that the tape was helping to compose the pictures and that when they get down to doing the layouts it will be replaced with other elements by means of Adobe photo shop.

AXM promised to send us a copy of the magazine once it's printed. I don't have it in my hands yet so I can't tell you how it all turned out but I'm sure it'll be very interesting for us all.

Enjoy and have fun!

Photos - AXM video captures

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Categories: Special Reports, Articles

Kidnapped Johan

Hi Guys,
I have a bit of bad news for you this week. We have tied up Johan and sent him to Prague on a special mission. It is still of course top secret, but the upshot is that we will have to postpone the planned journal for tomorrow.
In the meantime, I'd like to extend seasons greetings to you all via the new Christmas Card that Sven De Rennes has made just for us.
A downloadable version will be available for you next week on which you can print and send out as you like.

Best Wishes

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


In today's installment you're seeing the documentary I shot during a Luke Hamil and Andre Pagnol session. The completed scene will feature in an upcoming movie that at the moment is titled The Private Life of Josh Elliot.

Besides a couple of other matters, Andre discloses a few facts about his sexual behavior, what doubtless you've all been aching to hear from such a lubricious lad.

But would you believe it, he says he didn't have sex for six whole months! Funny, I never thought of Andre as being celibate but, true or not, it's lucky for him he works for us since he can have just as much sex as ever he wants whenever he wants it, it's like running water here.

The episode went very well as you'd expect, the pairing was great and you can see the boys enjoyed themselves a lot. So, Andre's back in action.

Luke, you'll note, is trying out different positions and consulting with Marty all the time. It's always funny for me to listen to their comments about what they're doing, takes me back a bit.

In a couple shots you'll glimpse our handsome Adrian, always with that irresistible enigmatic smile of his.

You'll recognize that the episode was shot in our studio which is on a floor above the regular BelAmi offices. It's very useful - and efficient - to have everything in the one building but we're up and down stairs all day long!

In my Journal next week we're going to have coverage of the AXM shoot. This famous magazine sent a photographer and make-up stylist to Bratislava to prepare a cover and feature article with our models.

I've cut a 17 minute clip that includes not only the session itself but a lot of other funny stuff as well. I think you'll like it.

So, stay tuned and see you next week.



Photos - video captures Andre&Luke

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Categories: Interviews

GIO interviews Sebastian

Below The Belt with
Bel Ami Superstar


Sebastian Bonnet is, in the words of his first screen-partner, Lukas Ridgeston, "always in good spirits, easy-going and genuinely fun to be with." The summer after he turned 18 he entered the world of gay porn by filming two scenes in Bel Ami?s "Frisky Summer 2" and "The English Student." He currently works full-time with Bel Ami in the post-production unit in several different capacities. He was the second cameraman for most of the "Personal Traners" episodes and for some of the latest Bel Ami feature videos. With Dano Sulik, he has trained many of the second generation models at Bel Ami. Gradually expanding his talents, he learned many of Bel Ami's behind-the-scenes crafts. He pre-edits all Bel Ami's major videos. From the hours of raw footage, he organizes the different camera angles of the scenes into a logical sequence so George Duroy can find all the footage he needs to actually edit the films. For a few years Sebastian filmed most of the casting auditions. Now he "graduated" into filming and directing his own episodes for the Bel Ami Websites Exclusive line of videos.

When not busy working, Sebastian loves to travel and explore new and exotic places around the globe. During the summer months he can be found playing Squash and in the winter he hits the slopes throughout Europe to Ski. At 29 years of age, married and the father of a 2 1 year old daughter, he is quick to point out that he is bi-sexual and fulfills his desires for men by having a boyfriend as well! As they say??Two of a kind, beats a straight all the time!? Firmly rooted in his family and work life, Sebastian takes his fame in stride and is one of the most relaxed and effaceable porn stars I have ever interviewed.

GIO Sebastian, thank you for sitting down with me to do this interview!

Sebastian You are very welcome Gio (In the most beautiful Eastern European accent)

GIO Let?s begin be talking about your start in the industry back in 1996 and how you got into the world of Gay Porn and Bel Ami.

Sebastian It was really an interesting story and it was a very long time ago now. I was at a bodybuilding show and was approached and asked about doing some modeling pictures by Marty Stevens, but with clothes on and more like fashion photos. However, when I got to Bratislava that had changed a little and they wanted to talk to me about possibly acting in gay porn movies. For me, I was very interested in doing this so I decided to go forward with it and I ended up liking it and the rest is history now (Big Smile).

GIO So what was your first film with Bel Ami?

Sebastian There have been so many films and it is hard for me to remember that far back?hmmm?I believe it was Frisky Summer 2.

GIO I believe you are correct, and your first scene partner was?

Sebastian That I remember?(Big Smile) Lukas Ridgeston.

GIO And a new legend was born! Since you are now working at Bel Ami and so is Lukas, are you two friends?

Sebastian Oh yes, he and I have been good friends for 11 years now.

GIO Tell me how you ended up moving behind the scenes at Bel Ami and what you are doing now.

Sebastian Well after acting in too many movies for me to remember all of them, George Duroy allowed me to start out by helping on the movies and learning things behind the scenes. I started mainly as just a helper and then I learned how to do editing and I was doing that while at the same time still acting in movies. Then one day George let me hold the camera while shooting and I was really excited about it and he gave me the chance to be a cameraman. Then I moved on to co-prod

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Categories: Special Reports


Hi Everybody!

My greetings. Today's clip is a documentary I shot this past summer at the BBQ which opens George's new film. In usual BelAmi fashion the location was teeming with beautiful boys, food and drink was everywhere around and it was simply a very relaxed and enjoyable party.

Even though we didn't see any sex that day we could at least hear the boys talk about it; for example, Benjamin and Matt tell me about their open relationship - and the matter of jealousy.

Ralph and Andre were chatting about an upcoming episode together that was scheduled for the next day,

so I filmed this little interview with them. They're telling me whether they'd already had sex together and what they would like to do with each other in their scene to be.

Sascha Chaykin spoke to me briefly about his trip to South Africa. He'd gone there privately to see some friends and to rest up a bit.

Brother Roman proudly showed off his 6-pack.

Have no fear, I can vouch it's still in perfect shape.

There were also some welcome new faces at the party. I'm introducing you to a shy kid from the western part of Slovakia.

I think he's very cute and I've got a feeling he's going to have a lot of fun working with us. We'll turn him over to Luke for some special training sessions. Did I say, turn him over?

Thierry Aulin was there too. We remember Thierry with that oh! so innocent look he had when he did those sessions with Howard a couple of years ago. Since then he's shot a bunch of episodes for BelAmi as well as some for Robert Boggs, so he's now an old hand. But he still looks an innocent.

And, before I go, I must mention our sweet Todd.

As I told you he's gone to the States to learn English and he's staying in San Francisco in the same apartment both Matt and Mark used on their trips there. I spoke with Todd a few days ago, he's doing just great and wants to extend his student visa for a longer stay. He sends his warm kisses to you all! If you happen to meet up with him in the Castro please tell him everyone in the office misses him and that gentle touch of his when he gives those wonderful massages. Ooh, lovely!

I'm wishing you all a great weekend, so until soon -


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Special Reports


Hi there my Friends!

Today, instead of my usual update about what's going on day to day here at BelAmi Central, I'll give you a glimpse behind the Wizard's curtain at the website operation. The big change that's just taken place is we've considerably increased the amount of content available to everyone. As a pre-Christmas pressie everyone now has access to the last 6 months of entries as part of the regular price. Good news for you all but especially for our new members as it means 6 times more videos and photos as soon as they sign up. Additionally the backstage guys are working hard to bring you, in the new year, a born again website, and just about every day as well they're updating the casting jukebox with more singles from the archives. Don't worry, I let them out occasionally to feed and fuck.

A major event coming up in December will be the premiere red carpet appearance of those (already) famous triplets from Budapest!!!

These boys really are fantastic, each one just a little bit different in looks and personality from his brothers - but I'll leave it to you to decide which of them is going to be your favorite, I'm not being choosy. And you know me, it wouldn't be Johan if I didn't give you a little teaser, so for today's special treat I've prepared a clip from the cover shoot they did here last week in the studio. Also, instead of their casting session, Marty shot one big photosession that features all three of these handsome lads. It will be ready for you to see at the start of the new year.

The rest of the November schedule will include more bonus scenes from our friends Danny Ray and Robert Boggs and more about the newly released 2 Too Many Boys movie which features my own little something and a bit extra about what is going on in my life right now. And of course, as always, lots on both some new guys and the old favorites.

What can you expect to see here in Johan's Journal over the next few weeks? I've got a great deal to tell you and show you. I've already made up clips about Josh and Justin's book signing trip to Berlin [very hot !!!],

and on Howard Roffman's photo shoots with such delectables as Luke, Dolph, Todd, Paul, Mark, - you name them!

Photos - video captures triplets

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


Josh has been a mainstay of Bel Ami for several years now and is one of the most popular models we have. I know that because of the many requests I get to record an interview with him. OK then, here you have it!

We shot it just two days ago in the office that Josh and Luke share here at Bratislava base. It's the complete works, everything Josh said, even 'tho his English isn't always as good as you native speakers'. I think it's cute.

Since some of you reading this are not Bel Ami members (and why not, may I ask?) I'll explain that in the interview Josh telling about what he's been doing recently, what his tasks are these days within Bel Ami's organization, stuff like that. He explains why he is so busy, and he tells you something about the episodes he's shot with Dolph Lambert, Ralph Woods and a few of the other lads. Josh definitely has a tender spot for Dolph, but then who does not?

You also have some of the documentary pictures I promised from Mick Hicks' photo session with Neil Ferris. We provided him with a very nice location not far from Bratislava, a ruined palace spotted in the middle of some beautiful countryside. Mick said he was amazed how pretty the location was. As for his assistants there, Roman Chaykin and Joey Amis were busying themselves about on the set.

What's going on in the office these days I hear you ask? Every day Marty is shooting photo sessions with new applicants and some of these boys will grace the cover of a new casting movie that's in the works. (What's your opinion of them? Do you think they'll become part of our next generation?)

Your old friends Sebastian and Lukas if not filming are most of the time glued to their editing suites where Lukas is making final adjustments to his African project. Josh is organizing the archives, Luke is tirelessly training new recruits, and me? I'm editing more documentary footage and helping out Marty on the photo sessions. One way or another we're always busy!

I must rest! Have a great weekend,


Photos - mick hick's photosessions

Photos - josh

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Kurt and Steve do topsy/turvy

First of all, to take up your reactions to last week's entries, I'm sorry to tell you there are no more pictures by Denis Wohler left in my files but in the gallery below I'm giving you his pictures of Josh and Todd in black and white. You got to see them a while back but, I'm certain you'll agree, it's always nice to see these two cuties again and refresh the memory. And then, I must explain, about who is Denis Wohler and who is Jorgen. They're the same person! I screwed up using the name Jorgen, it's his real name and he didn't want me to mention it. Ooops! Oh well, nobody's perfect. Denis, I do apologize, I'm really sorry...

You remember Mick Hicks? He's the American photographer, a friend of George, who visited us a couple of years ago and did a bunch of photo sessions with variously some of our Slovak, Czech and Hungarian models. I haven't yet shown you many of the documentary pictures from his trip but, I promise, you'll be getting them in some of my upcoming ramblings.

Today we feature my coverage of an episode starring Kurt Diesel and Steve Jennings. Once again you're going to get a glimpse of the relaxed, easy-going, fun-filled atmosphere we usually enjoy on set during the shoots. Does it look like work? (Well, it is!)

Diary of a Chamber Maid. Michal, our production assistant whom you all lost your hearts to in my previous clip, is responsible for necessary chores - such as ironing the bed sheets so they can get rumpled up again. Who would like to rumple Michal?

Marty, as always, provides me with some very funny moments. He's a natural. Besides other matters, he's telling me how often he dreams about porn.

You're always demanding flip-flops - well, halfway through this episode of theirs, Kurt and Steve switched roles around. Happy now? I won't judge who was the better top or bottom, they both look perfect "versatiles" to my eye, but what's your opinion? As you can see, the chemistry between them was really great.

And, rounding out the explanations for this scene, I need to mention a short discussion between models and crew about safe sex and pregnancy.

George asked me to give Josh a chance to demonstrate his editing skills and this clip was the result, it was edited by him. He pleasantly surprised me because it's decently cut and, except that he had to change the font he'd picked for the subtitles and also needed to shorten it a bit overall, I'm fine with it. What do all yo

Photos - kurt and steve

Photos - josh and todd

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Luke and Justin go to HeatGay 2007.

Good morning!

Today is "pictures" day. No video clip, only images. Some time ago a German photographer, Denis Wohler, was in Bratislava to make pictures of our boys. You already saw Josh and Todd in black and white.

Today, I want to show you Manuel and Troy's pics taken during Denis' trip. Warning: the pictures are softcore and slightly different from what we're used to with Marty's. Still, it would be a pity to hide them and not to show them to you.

Denis also took some pictures of Adrian Kinsky and me. How do you feel about my look when I had very short hair? What about Adrian? Is he still a turn on for you?

This afternoon we're leaving for Barcelona, Spain, to be a part of HeatGay festival. I already reported to you about last year's, but here are some pictures to refresh your memory.

Oh, I forgot to tell you who's going to meet the fans there this year. We selected two?still fresh?cuties: Luke Hamil and Justin Boyd. I'm taking my camera to film the actual event as well as the boys' activities outside of the festival. Can we expect any hanky-panky between the two of them? Stay tuned!

As ever,


Photos - troy's gallery

Photos - manuel's gallery

Photos - HeatGay 2006

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Day by Day at BelAmi - Part 8

Hi there,

You write you aren't bored with the day by day stuff yet? Glad to hear it. Here you have Part 8. I captured for you a documentary about Sebastian's training session with Jean-Claude Duval, Josh and Todd.

I asked Jean-Claude a few very interesting questions. And these are not only "How old are you?", "What's your name?" or "What sports do you do?" He tells what activities he wants to try in bed and more. Better watch the clip!

Also Todd added something of his own. While he talks to me he grabs his dick all the time.

I was curious about his schooling and if he has some energy left for other "important" things. By the way, yesterday he came to my apartment to give me a massage [he took a course for masseurs] and told me he would go to study in the USA for three months. You, who are from San Francisco, and are lucky enough, may have the opportunity to meet Todd in person. He is shy, so please behave yourselves!

While editing this clip I realized I didn't tighten the cover of the camera's microphone. You can see it in the upper right corner of the screen. I apologize, nobody's perfect.

Later in the clip I talked to our production assistant, Michal, about why he didn't shave that morning and what's the next project he's working on.

As for the end, I'm presenting what do the boys usually do after lunch. Luke, Lukas and Eli give a nice period to today's entry. Enjoy!

Ever yours,


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


Hi there!

I worry you're maybe getting a little bored by having only Day by Day material every week so I've decided to give you a new clip that really belongs with the Red Hot Chili Sex movie. I found it all ready for you among my spares; there hasn't been space to show it to you before.

The clip begins with Adrian Kinski telling us how "EASY" it is to prepare a set so the atmosphere is right for a nighttime episode.

Today, you'll also see a docu about two episodes, one with Danny Saradon and Justin Boyd,

another with Hans Klee and Renato Amoroso. Danny is explaining the difficulty he had during his shoot with Justin. Hmm. After you watch the clip tell me, hand on heart, wouldn't you have had the same problems???

Renato and Hans shot a nocturnal episode during which the actors and crew had a deal of fun. Hans is one of our great comedians.

What's going on in the office these days? Well, on Thursday George was shooting interviews and introductions to the scenes in his Private Life of Brandon Manilow movie. This will be number two of the Model Profiles series. And, to make you even happier, there will naturally be parts 3, 4, and who knows how many more to come?

What's on the Marty Stevens schedule? He's busy now arranging for the models to come to Bratislava and shoot covers for some of our recent unreleased films. There's also a plan afoot to shoot new training videos in the Budapest studio. The trainers - who else could they possibly be? - are Sebastian and Luke and, I can assure you, Sebastian is in perfect shape and ever eager to indoctrinate any promising new recruits. So, once the Hungarian models are all set for shooting (we want to make sure only the very best are finally selected), we'll make the jaunt to Budapest for at least ten days and get going. It's for sure I'll be there, camera at the ready, to capture the raunchy atmosphere for you.

So, it's all the best from Johan - who thanks you most kindly for all the nice things you've been saying!

Photos - video captures

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Day by Day at BelAmi - Part 7

In today's installment, you'll be seeing some of the new Bel Ami faces, as well as our chronically exposed old reliables Paul Valery, Josh Elliot, Troy Allen, Todd Rosset and Steve Jennings.

Josh, you'll note, is sporting a very unusual look.

Steve is sharing his impressions about his trip to the USA, from the marriage proposals he received to his loyalty to George.

We have a short interview with an up and coming star, skater boy Lukas. Once again with my fearless technique I put him on the spot and I hope you'll find the piece as enjoyable to watch as I did to make.

Then our dear old incendiary Paul is explaining what really happened when he accidentally burned down the hotel kitchen in Greece.

Jerome Reynolds and Steve Jennings were shooting an episode together and naturally I was there with my trusty spycorder, always switched on, never tiring (that's me!). Jerome is proof that maintaining an erection isn't such a big deal after all.

And as for recent travels, last weekend Josh and Justin went to Italy for a brief book signing tour. It lasted three days during which busy time the boys were in Rome, Milan and Pisa, signing autographs in book stores as well as in the night clubs Mamma Mia and Divina, and the like.

In Pisa they held a live chat with a no-holds-barred Q&A session where they handled the pressure very well. One morning, as well, they even found time to go to the beach.

As for the night life they experienced, it was real tough. Once they'd entered a club their privacy vanished into thin air. The fans went crazy over them. They wanted to touch, they wanted to hug, and some of the most insistent wanted to kiss our young hotties! Imagine!

Photos - video captures

Photos - josh & justin in italy

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Day by Day at BelAmi - part 6.

Hi everyone!

It's been a long time since you?ve heard from me. I apologize for it. You all know why.

There is a lot that have happened during the summer. All together, we shot tons of materials. We were working hard in three teams. It was Marty and George who shot more than 25 big episodes and about ten big photo sessions for you guys. Let me mention combinations like Luke Hamil - Keanu Faria, Paul Valery - Colin Reeves, Kevin Elola - Roland, Troy Allen - Tobias Hayek, Ralph Woods - Luke Hamil, Ralph Woods - Andre Pagnol, Brandon Manillow - Dolph Lambert, Josh Elliot - Keanu Faria...

Basically, they have shot enough material to put together three or four new, sexy movies for you!

Marty's dog, Bielko, was accompanying us in every set.

Bielko is on the left and next to him is his new boyfriend. My poor dog, Max, had to stay at home.

Sebastian shot many episodes with interesting pairings too. Besides this, he was also working with new models - shooting a bunch of casting sessions, first jerks, and sucks. He was also helping Luke with his training sessions.

Lukas shot 13 episodes during this summer. I asked him to tell me the three which had the best sex and chemistry. For him, it's the episode between Andre Pagnol - Keith Johansson, Jacques Briere - Alex Orioli, and Todd Rosset - Roland.

We had Howard here on his trip back. He spent ten days taking pictures of our models. He was using hotel king suites, the beach, some outdoor locations as well as indoor spaces such as our two studios and the like.

I can say that his most favorite model during this trip was Dolph Lambert. This new model has such a great body and face ? aaahhh! He is the type of person who's retained a degree of shyness and innocence. This is something you can't act out, it's simply in him. Dolph is George's darling too.

In the middle of his trip, Howard visited our Budapest office. He shot there a few Hungarian cuties. Howard promised to give me his first pre-selections soon. The minute I have it, you?ll get it.

As for me, I told you I was mainly part of Marty's unit as a documentary cameraman although I had shot a few sexual segments. You can expect blow jobs with Ralph and Luke, an episode from Berlin's booksigning among Josh, Justin and Matt, and another episode from Budapest with Andras, Ralph and Matt.

In today's clip, I'm giving you a quick look at our costume storage room. After which, I'm introducing you the new faces in our of

Photos - pictures from the episodes

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


My dear bloggers -

This is just a quick word until things at the Journal get back to normal. Have you missed me? It's been a long time since I gave you something to read but the fact is that for me the recent weeks have just zipped past. Busy, busy! I'm sorry - but I've only one pair of hands and, honestly, they've been full.

First of all I was shooting for many days with George on his big new production, then I operated as second camera for Sebastian and Lukas on their shoots, and I think you know that generally I have to keep a beady eye on everything that's going on. Our old friend Howard Rothman also turned up here and I was working with him during a really pleasant fortnight, so you'll soon be seeing some of his takes on a selection of our Bel Ami beauties, including a few classic cum shots. You already know a bit about what Ralph Woods has been doing with us and I can add that, rounding out my own recent activities, in Budapest I directed an episode starring him, Matt and Andras - no, I remain behind the camera and I think you're going to prefer it that way!

Like most places we've been having some very mixed weather - sometimes torrential rain, other times temperatures in the thirties or the nineties, whichever way you look at it. I wish I knew what was going on, but anyway we survived. I'm now back at base and am working on putting together all the stuff I've shot - there's quite a lot of it so it will take a little time.

I'll be back soon, but meantime -

My love


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Categories: Special Reports

Sven de Rennes

While Johan is still beavering away making new episodes we will post a few more little bits to keep you entertained until he is back.
For our new Fantasy Finder project, we asked artist Sven de Rennes to do some drawings for us to use as graphics on the web pages. This little gallery is what he came up with for us.
If anyone is interested in a limited edition print of these, feel free to email and we can work something out, otherwise they will be appearing in the store soon. Each will be numbered and the run will be strictly limited.
You can find more of Sven at his site

Photos - Svens Pictures

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Categories: Special Reports

Hello from Ralph Woods

Hi this is Ralph Woods directly from headquarters in the Prague BelAmi office. Johan is busy so they have asked me to write a little something for his journal this week. Hi to everyone, to my fans and to you readers, here is a little glimpse of what have been going on in Bratislava and how everything went. It has been a very hot and learning experience to be here again working for BelAmi. I got to meet and know in depth lots of great looking guys with great personality and charm. It was a lot of work, but now I?m happy that I did it. From Bratislava, to Budapest and Prague, there was always something to do, be it a photoshoot or scene. There hasn?t been any material that has been released yet but I hope you like it when it does as much as I had fun shooting it. If you want to get to know me more and see some content that I made myself you can first visit my blog at and then visit my website link from there (

Photos - Ralph Woods visit BelAmi

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports


Sorry, but this is going to be my last clip for a few weeks. I've told you instead of my entries we'll be posting some of Robert Boggs' internet episodes while I'm busy with the summer schedule. The fact is I'm shooting almost every day so I really have no time to edit and subtitle anything else right now. If you need some consolation let me say I have a feeling your waiting time will prove worthwhile. I hope!

Today's clip starts with a charmer, Tim, answering a few questions.

The interview isn't long because he was cold and wanted to get inside to "warm up" with the rest of our boys.

We then find the lads in the gym. I was very surprised the owner allowed us to shoot in there - usually I can't pull my camera out in public places like this so consider this material as something really special. In the gym you'll see Gilles, Danny, Davy, Casper and more of the Bel Ami gang working out and talking about various matters dear to their hearts, about training, their work together, and their privacy?

As part three of this clip I'm giving you my viewpoint on that major episode around the pool table, Casper Watts in the key role.

It wasn't intended this way, Casper wasn't scheduled for the scene, that was another model who got stuck in the Czech Republic on his way to join us at the location. When Marty announced we urgently needed an enthusiastic bottom, Casper raised his hand in one hundredth of a second (I timed him). So what more can I add? Watch the scene and you'll find everything there.

Ich bin ein Berliner. Last week, Josh, Justin and Matt (and I) flew to Berlin for a book signing in Bruno's Store, belonging to Bruno Gmunder Media, our European distributor. We spent only one day in the capital so time was short but the boys were really thrilled to be there. The superb hospitality of Bruno's team (they flew in the boys, paid for a good hotel and for some very nice restaurants)

and the kindness of our fans were top level. During the signing hour the fans had the opportunity to paint the boys' upper bodies and we gave a prize for the prettiest and most inventive painting. The lucky winner was Matt's painter/artist who received a selection of Bel Ami DVDs.

Photos - videocaptures

Photos - booksigning Berlin

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Sebastian, Josh & Leon Cook Up a Storm!

Last week one of my items told you how a complete episode featuring Josh and Leon had been created by Sebastian, with Attila as second camera, in the kitchen of our Hungarian villa. Attila is now on the Budapest payroll so we'll be seeing more of his work. This particular episode is not going to be part of Too Many boys II and George will decide later where to use it but you'll be seeing it online much sooner than you probably expected.

It all starts in the bathroom where Josh and Leon are, as usual, teasing each other and then Leon is talking to little Justin about a friend who's just realised that the two of them are "shooting fashion".

You then have a couple of questions put to Josh and Leon about Hungarian boys, about food, and some other stuff.

Shooting the episode itself was standard procedure as captured on video so I don't think any more words are needed about it here.

Hope you'll find it enjoyable - of course I'll pass on any thoughts you may have to Seb.

I must also tell you yesterday there was a book and DVD signing in Berlin when we were celebrating the release of Graffiti. Josh, Matt and Justin were the living canvases for you to come and meet and, of course, I was there too. Summing-up - this event was great and the boys' fans could have an autograph, a photograph with their stars and could even paint them on their bodies, upper parts only! In addition the boys did a couple of interviews for local TV and radio (with their clothes on but I shot some sexual content for you. The boys offered up something quite interesting.)

See you next week. Be good.


Photos - josh&leon

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Manshots interview with Dano Sulik

by Jerry Douglas
Interview appeared in Manshots, May 1996.

Manshots: We get a lot of mail about Dano Sulik. Everybody thinks you're fascinating onscreen. Why do you think people find you so fascinating?
(George Duroy translates the question and the subsequent answer, as he will throughout the interview, occasionally adding comments of his own.)

Sulik: I think it's mainly because I really enjoy sex, and it shows, and I like to show that I don't have any problems to show it.
Manshots: What do you think is the most interesting part of your body?
Sulik: I think that I have a nice body, and I take care of it, but from what I've heard so far, I think the most fascinating part of my body is my ass.
Manshots: What do you think of your dick?
Sulik: About my dick... I think that it's average, that it's about the right size. It's not too big, it's not too small. I'm satisfied with it as it is.
Manshots: When did you first discover your dick?
Sulik: Well, it was fairly early. I started to jack-off when I was eleven or twelve. Of course, I played with myself much earlier, but I didn't think about it in a sexual way.
Manshots: Do you remember the first time you reached orgasm?
Sulik: After so many orgasms, it's pretty difficult to remember.
Manshots: Do you remember the day you lost your virginity?
Sulik: With girl?
Manshots: Or boy. Which was first?
Sulik: (Laughter) It was at what we call here Pioneer Camp, but American version of it would be Scout's Camp. Here it is mixed?boys and girls together. Here also the leaders are mixed. The scout leader was about twenty-two years old, female, and it was my first sex experience?with her.
Manshots: Tell us how it happened.
Sulik: Well, we were in camp?the other boys were having this conversation about this leader because she was very good-looking, so we were talking about how we would fuck her and who would do what to her. And obviously, she was next to the camp, listening to the conversation. She overheard it, and she took me to her?I don't know if you call it office?to her place. And obviously it was amusing enough for her, so it ended up with her showing me how it was, and she had sex with me, as a result.
Manshots: Did she undress herself or did you undress her?
Sulik: She would start to undress herself and then she would tell me if I was so brave verbally, then I should show her if I can handle it. So, I handled it perfectly well. I finished undressing her.
Manshots: What part of her did you touch first?
Sulik: Vagina first. It was most interesting, because the tits were something I knew already about, but the vagina was perfectly new. I just wanted to have close look. I was not such an amateur anyway, because I had looked through so many magazines and books that I was perfectly theoretically equipped, so I just needed to practice.
Manshots: Did you have only vaginal sex or did you also have oral sex that day?
Sulik: We had oral sex first?much oral sex?and only then I would fuck her. I was learning, picking up very gladly and very quickly... a good pupil. So we were fucking for the rest of the summer together and obviously enjoying it both.
Manshots: Was this the first time that you had ever felt lips on your dick?
Sulik: Yes. It was my first experience with oral sex.
Manshots: You mentioned looking at magazines. How did you get hold of these magazines?
Sulik: Of course it was difficult to get magazines like that because I was underage, nobody would sell me the magazines. But all my friends had fathers who would keep magazines like this. So they would show me or lend me the magazines, so of course every time I would get my hands on a maga

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First of all I want to say how genuinely touched I've been by the responses you all posted here this past week. For my part I'll do my best to give you what you want, with more glimpses behind-the-scenes as we go about things here at Bel Ami. And, only if you feel so, do keep your comments coming so we know we're on track.

This week it's another Budapest clip from Marty's forthcoming Too Many Boys 2. It's a spicy nighttime scene shot in the villa's dressing room and featuring two adorable youngsters, Justin Boyd and Vladimir aka Vlado, a new addition to our roster in his first scene.

This is not Vlado you remember in my Journal a few weeks ago as a fresh-faced trainee with butterflies in his stomach contemplating a Bel Ami career. This one didn´t have butterflies in his stomach at all. I hope the clip pleases you.

For the future I'm finishing up a short documentary about a scene that George shot with Luke and (Little) Lukas on location in the countryside and another with Manuel Rios and your old favorite Rick Fontana shot by Marty. These are for film release.

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen of the Budapest villa, a complete episode featuring Josh and Leon was developed by Sebastian, aided by Attila on second camera. Attila is now a permanent part of our Hungarian operation.

I've already told you that, for us, the blood, sweat, toil, and tears season has started and we'll all be working flat out. (This will interest you, Lukas - big Lukas that is - is embarking on his own special story project and I hope I'll snag some coverage of that for you as we go along.) I'll not be idle, in fact I'll have so much to do that I won't always be able to make the Journal deadline each week. I'm sorry about that but it does mean there's going to be lots of new stuff for when we cool off. When I can't be around you'll be seeing two or three internet episodes that Robert Boggs has made for us and I'm sure you'll be giving him a warm welcome.

There, have a good weekend. I'm going to put my feet up as they say in England.

Your Johan.

Photos - videocaptures

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Friends, what can I say? I'm overwhelmed by your kindness and compliments and life is now far from being lonely. In fact, I think I'll run for President.

Thank you, one and all, you're great!


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Here's my clip about filming the episode with Trevor Yates and Keith Johansson that's in Too Many boys 2.

Before we started I jokingly told Trevor that he'd be bottoming for Keith and he wasn't sure whether I was kidding or not! He looked worried. For the shoot Marty put the pair in a bathroom, into the bath tub, and watching this material reassures me Keith was truly excited by Trevor. His comments such as, "Stand up, please, I want to see the whole thing?" or, "I'm taking him to my room now!", say it all.

You'll also see me trying to find out what Marty's feelings are after dealing with thousands of dicks over the past 14 years. His answer is, as always from him, funny and unpredictable.

It's some time since I prepared any Day by Day in the Office stuff for you so next week I'll be giving you a few short interviews with some of our new beauties, showing us shooting other episodes in the studio, and more.

There is so much interesting new stuff I could show you from what we're doing around here but I really need to know whether you're reading my posts in the Journal and whether you like them or not. Is it worth me spending my time and energy putting them together? Should I continue filming and editing these clips for you? I'd like to know your opinions because the way things are I don't have a clue. What can I think when barely 5 people react to an entry? It gets lonely here, sob, sob!

The space below is at your disposition, my buddies, and you have Johan's thanks for all your comments, viewpoints, ideas.

I love you (most of the time)


Photos - trevor&keith

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Here's the interview with Ralph Woods that I promised you, in two parts. The first was shot in Cape Town, right before Ralph left for the airport. Ralph is briefly telling how he liked the trip and he explains again how he came to do the blow job scene with Trevor Yates and Mark Zebro. And have I also mentioned that he filmed one small episode with Sasha Chaykin or a big one with Josh?

The second part of the interview we shot back in the Bratislava office and studio. When I arrived that morning I found Ralph sitting on a sofa in his dressing gown.

I was surprised because he was checked into a hotel two streets away from our place and I wondered why he would walk over so dressed on the street. But he explains to me what it was all about.

Then, later on he shows me his website and blog and talks to me from the bed where he did his piece with Paul Valery.

The shooting season is now starting here (with tape, not guns!) and it means that I have to be around every major production. On the one hand I'll have a lot of new footage for you, on the other hand for the next three months I won't have enough time to prepare my entries every week. So, in the gaps when I don't have my Journal ready, George has decided to give you various episodes by Robert Boggs. Fair enough, huh?

For next week I'll be giving you another docu about TOO MANY BOYS II, the scene between Trevor and Keith. Marty shot this in the bathroom and Keith was so taken by Trevor's gun that he wanted to take him off for a private session too. He called Trevor's dick a cannon! It's an interesting piece to watch so stay tuned.

I love you all,


Photos - videocaptures Ralph

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The writer was invited to join Bel Ami on location and to give his impressions . . .

It?s nine o?clock on a May morning outside the Bel Ami garage in Bratislava. A passel of pulchritude piles into a fleet of limos for the drive to Vienna?s airport where it will enplane for the Greek island of Mykonos, chosen location for a forthcoming George Duroy production. On call is a selection of new generation models - Luke Hamill and Paul Valery (who recently had made a bit of a splash on the website), Alex Orioli and Manuel Rios, Hans Klee, Elias Kudrow and débuting boy Justin Boyd. Shepherding his charges and supervising the loading is Johan Paulik, the film-to-be?s production manager, general factotum and baby sitter. Johan famously was an early principal star of the long and remarkable Bel Ami saga but now works strictly behind the scenes.

He and I share a car with two other original company stalwarts, Marty Stevens, director and senior video/stills cameraman, and Mel Roberts, who will be wearing his several hats but functioning mainly as director/cameraman/editor of the documentary that will chronicle the trip. Marty, ever quiet and calm, his eye on the job, will this time be videoing in widescreen and high definition. George went ahead a few days ago to suss out the location and several more crew already have left to drive straight through with equipment and props, a long, tedious, demanding journey for them.

For us it?s an uneventful flight down to Athens. Luke is my seat companion, a gangly, blue-eyed Czech blond. He?s a friendly and composed lad, eager to improve his self-taught English (so many of these boys skived off at school and now regret it) which we practice mainly around the topic of cell phones. He?s poring over a thick magazine listing hundreds of examples which appear to do everything including, I wouldn?t be surprised, haircuts. For an ancient like me they?re a plague but for his generation of which he is typical any latest gizmo becomes a mandatory toy.

Luke tells me his ambitions extend beyond modelling and he?s on the Bel Ami payroll as a trainer and as a runner for George, on call twenty-four hours a day. This is the first of several flirtatious get-togethers during the two weeks that follow and he surprises me when, during one of our occasional English lessons, he draws a parallel with the ritualized pederasty of ancient Greece when boys were mentored by their elders. It?s been a while since I was erastes to such a choice erômenos and I?m not complaining.

We suffer a wearisome three hour stopover in Athens? new but unimpressive and poorly designed airport, passing the time wandering around the shops, drinking coffee, making phone calls (what else?), kibitzing. I notice that Alex and Manuel, a handsome couple invariably to be found together, have been engaged in conversation by a black fellow traveller. Since they both have very little English it?s clearly one-sided but they pose for the requested photographs with a smile. I assume they have been recognized as Bel Ami boys but, no, he shows them pictures of his family in Gabon and off he goes. Never did get to the bottom of that.

At last we board for the short final hop to the island on a plane that has seen better and cleaner days. Now we know where old turbo-props go to die! Mykonos at last: is it to be our enchanted isle? At the bijou airport we are met by a buffeting wind and the overlanders ? Sebastian Bonnet, Adrian Kinski, and Eli Rogers (in the main production assistants but pitching in for whatever needs to be done), together with Mark Russos, second principal camera.

Sebastian is all they say of him and more, he grows younger by the day; is there a picture of him stashed away up there in his attic? Adrian can look glum and disapproving but eventually a smile breaks across his handsome face. It strikes me he and Sebastian could be brothers and, indeed, they are as close as. Eli is new to me and I need to get to know him better. Mark is what?s known as a character; piss artist extraor

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At the moment I'm working on another clip about Red Hot Chili Sex but for a change today I'm giving you a quick look at the blow jobs in the episode with Kurt Diesel and Oleg Tarkowski in Too Many Boys II.

As I've told you, this movie was shot in Budapest, at two locations. The first, the smaller one, was used by Lukas for filming his two episodes, one with Niall Phoenix & Mark Zebro, the other with Ricky Fontana & Jan. The rest were filmed by Marty in the big house up on the hill.

This episode today was shot on the sofa, alongside the pool. The chemistry between these two boys was great and the atmosphere on set was so pleasant and relaxed with the boys laughing a lot - but don't worry, not while they filmed.

Oleg was a bit sad because he wanted to be a top. Not that he doesn't like being a bottom but he was so taken by Kurt's ass he wanted to experience it from the inside! Maybe they swapped over that evening in their room, who knows? The boys have their little secrets together all the time.

I promised to tell you more about Ralph Woods' recent trip, so here goes. Little Ralph flew in for nine days during which George shot two major episodes plus one photo session with him. The first episode was with Paul Valery with Ralph as bottom. He told me how much he enjoyed the pairing with Paul. I noticed these two were chatting together during the breaks and it was clear they'd become close to each other. When Ralph was giving Paul a BJ he was deep throating, of course, because he's a real pro in this discipline. He got Paul's whole dick into his mouth and that's really something!!! This episode was shot in the Bratislava studio since George wanted to create a highly romantic atmosphere and make the episode really special. It's meant to be nighttime so the lights are soft and the set is shadowy. I personally loved the set-up.

The second episode that Ralph shot here was with Todd Rosset, staged in our second studio which isn't as large so, unfortunately, there wasn't space for my camera. However, not to worry, I'm working on more Journals in which I'll give you video captures of the action as from Marty's machine.

The episode with Todd itself took, as usual, two days to shoot. I can say that Ralph is a real pro. He takes every shoot immensely seriously and he prepares himself meticulously, taking great care over every detail. Normally our company takes care of everything. Our boys don't have to give a thought to bringing their own lubes, condoms or butt plugs but Ralph, he brings along all his own stuff!

From what I've been hearing George intends to invite Ralph back for one more trip. His idea is to give him the lead role in a future project. I can't reveal the specifics yet, it's a top secret topic at the moment, so you'll have to be patient.

I've prepared an interview with Ralph for you for the next posting.


Photos - videocaptures Oleg & Kurt

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Chili con carnal.

Right, today we're going to focus on some filming - following up on the documentary stuff you had in my last two entries. I'm giving you an exclusive insight into the 4-way episode with Danny, Brian, Leon and Davy that you'll find in Red Hot Chili Sex. I have to tell you, this scene was born out of one grueling ordeal: to shoot it really took some application and Marty only completed it after three painful interruptions. The reason was Leon, actually his psychological state. He arrived at the location in very bad shape, highly stressed, not at all happy. Something was wrong with his family or in his private life but, of course, I didn't ask. The next morning I found him exhausted and without any energy.

The problem was in this condition his dick was hyper sensitive and every time Danny sucked on him or he was required to fuck he ejaculated much too prematurely. To finish the scene Marty was forced to switch Leon from being a top to a bottom. I don't know if you're interested in hearing about these dramas we sometimes have during a shoot but, the fact is, it's not like taking a stroll in a pink garden every time. Anyway, persistence paid off, the tribulations don't show and the episode eventually ended up as a great piece of work.

So, in today's clip you can see me waking up the boys, their preparations for the shoot, two cum shots by Davy and Leon, Marty's eagerness to answer my questions, etc., etc. Have a look.

Next week's installment is another segment concerning the Too Many Boys 2 movie - it'll be a docu featuring the first part of the episode between Kurt Diesel and Oleg Tarkovski. Ouch!

By the way, I've got some good news for you. George has invited Ralph Woods to Bratislava again with the intention of shooting more footage with him.

I'll be specific about what it's going to be and all about his trip when I know more. And, of course, my behind-the-scenes camera will not be far away!

Many kisses,


Photos - video captures

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The writing's on the wall.

Last week my tease was about the photo shoot for Graffiti's cover. The idea was to prepare something really different for it so a friend of Marty's - a fashion and commercial photographer - said "Yes" to our offer if we would manage the boys and everything else.

The shoot itself took about 4 hours and we used a professional make up artist. Normally on our productions Marty does this job himself. Multi-skilled, huh? What's new for us is that the boys had lipstick applied to their lips (where else, I ask you?) and eyebrows were retouched a bit.

The photographer was using the latest digital technology and he can make a billboard sized 10 x 15 metres from it. He works with large cameras mainly in his studio.

In the beginning he shot one boy at a time, wanting to get acquainted with them and find out about their personalities.

Every 10 minutes he was checking and fixing the pictures in the computer. The boys loved it, of course, since they could see themselves instantly. They're narcissists to a man, oh yes they are!

The next stage was he shot all of them together, only changing backgrounds. In the beginning we'd had some worries the boys would be radiating their sexual energy in front of a stranger but they managed themselves well and I was proud of their professional attitude and innocent playfulness.

The end results we then presented to George who was satisfied and said okay to use them so they're now in the works. The movie itself should be going out later this month.

I'm now working on a clip about filming Red Hot Chili Sex. It should be ready for you to see in my next installment of the Journal.

Many kisses,


Photos - video captures

Photos - pictures

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A day at the races.

This is the day Marty shot for the whole time at a little ski resort where we rented the entire slope and a snow scooter. Marty, in his typical winter gear (take a look at that adorable yellow cap),

wanted to capture the spontaneous atmospherics of the boys' activities there. For their joyriding we gave them car tires, various plastic things and snow sleighs,

and their reactions to all of it were most convincing.

They rode very fast and they liked it a lot but a couple of them got hurt, especially poor Casper Watts who scratched his face in the snow. He was supposed to work that afternoon with five others on the pool table scene but luckily Marty managed to cover up all his bloody spots. Mikhail Ryzkov got hit by a snow sleigh so he explains what happened and what were going to be the consequences for the boy who did it to him.

In the clip, you'll also see Marty's innovative style of filming, Danny's singing appearance and Adrian's dog hunting. Simply, then, another relaxing day full of fun and jolly moods - all that's essential to make a successful movie.

For next week I'm putting together a clip about the cover shoot for the movie titled Graffitti. It stars Justin, Elias and Kevin and this time we did the session differently. We asked a fashion photographer - a close friend of Marty's - to do it in his way and in his studio. The result is worth a watch. What am I saying?? The cover certainly is great, but so is the entire movie and more than worth a watch.

Take care, you hear?


Photos - video captures - entry 2.

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Mountain men, mounting men.

This will be my first documentary about the Red Hot Chili Sex project. The movie itself is already out (and I hope you've seen it) so now's the time to show you and tell you how it was made and everything behind it.

We spent two wonderful weeks in the Tatra Mountains filming it and having some fun. As for their off-set activities, by day the boys were skiing and riding the wheel tubes and snow scooters. They spent the evenings at the big local aqua park where there are many pools and spas and things. I've got some great material of their water activities. As usual the lads were doing outrageous things, such as flaunting their butts around the area - they have absolutely no qualms about doing it in public. Back at the house, where there was a sauna to relax and fuck in, they were having dance parties and holding a body building competition. Of course, you'll also see a sexual encounter just about everywhere on the location.

The large cast comprised Renato, Brian, Danny, Paul, Tim, Leon, Justin, Henri, Etienne, Steve, Davy and a couple of others. Marty and his crew worked hard day and night to capture the unleashed sexual energy between the boys and used every place possible for shooting - the kitchen, the sauna, the stairway, all the rooms, the bathroom, all over.

The final scene is around a pool table on which Casper Watts bottoms for Tim, Colin, Renato, Mikhail, Davy and Paul. Some gossip about this scene? The plan in the beginning was to have one of the new models bottom but unfortunately his train got stuck somewhere in the Czech Republic so the question was who would be his replacement? Marty didn't have to look very far for someone - Casper raised his hand and said he wanted to do it. For a long time it had been a dream of his to have really hard sex with more than one boy, so while watching the scene you can appreciate his gasped comments like, "Oh, these are the right cocks for me" or "Swap over guys, I want the next one to fuck me".

For the introduction to the film we rented a very old bus, almost a museum piece. Naturally, the engine promptly quit and a few of our muscle men had to push to get it started again. Paul especially was a great help!

In this clip today you'll enjoy an average day at the house. The boys are eating, playing pool or kicking a ball or sitting and chatting. Danny was being prickly and had two fights within two hours that day. One was with Adrian Kinski, who was supposed to be helping Marty with preparations for the party, and the second was with Gilles Marais, who took Danny's thrown glove. You be the judge of the winner.

Photos - video captures - entry 1.

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The big time.

Here's another docu clip out of the summer shoots. Remember Paul Valery and Keith Johansson,

or Danny and Ben?

This time I'm giving you Kurt Diesel and Hans Klee. This episode will be part of a new movie called Graffiti. It's almost finished and ready to go out to you, our faithful friends.

The clip is regular behind the scenes footage with some action stuff and short interviews.

I found interesting the parts where Hans Klee wants to train up to suck his own dick and also how is he preparing himself for the fucking to come. After the scene was shot his words tell it all.

I must admit that Kurt's tool isn't your average piece and there are many boys who couldn't handle that kind of load.

As documentary cameraman Lukas replaced Mel Roberts on this episode so he was shooting Marty shooting and I was shooting Lukas shooting Marty. Crazy, huh?

When you add it up there were four cameramen on the set, plus you also had the sound recordist (Adrian Kinski), two production assistants and George. Is it easy to work in front of this vast regiment of onlookers? Definitely not! I'm only telling you this to explain why, although it may be fun, it's also a demanding and difficult job.

Take care, then -


Photos - videocaptures Kurt and Hans

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Knock on Woods.

How about it? Want to? I know a lot of you are extremely eager to see any additional footage that features Ralph. As I've told you, in Africa he made a photo shoot, a box cover shoot, one major film episode and two blow job sequences. During his stay he also recorded an interview with George but today I'm giving you my short interview with him plus the preparations for a three-way scene. I've included a few shots taken from that blow-job threesome with Mark and Trevor, and we also see Ralph demonstrating his athletic skills.

In addition during our stay he visited Safari, went go-karting and, like the rest of the troop, enjoyed a huge variety of other activities. These you'll see a little later.

As for the sexual side of things, Ralph loves to deep throat but with Trevor he had a tiny little problem because Trevor's dick is not only long it's also what you might call thick. Ralph was trying hard not to but couldn't help biting a bit. Trev didn't say a word, in fact he was pleasantly surprised because none of his previous partners could take even a half of his endowment. Ralph, you're the maestro!!!

Next week I'll be giving you a dynamic episode with Kurt Diesel and Hans Klee which is to be part of our upcoming Graffiti movie.

So as a tease, let me say now, Hans will explain why he can't suck his own dick and he'll also tell you what went up his ass during the shoot.

See you next Saturday -

All the best,


Photos - videocaptures

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Zoo in Budapest.

Before we left for South Africa Marty shot a continuation to his highly successful Too Many Boys movie of a couple of years back. This later project was shot entirely on location in Budapest where we rented a large villa spread over several floors with a pool on the top. Basically the script is similar to TMB 1 and our aim was to make a movie that was sexy but also comfortably easy and relaxed. For those of you who have clamoured to see me again in a film, I'm playing a tiny role on the side as well. In fact, I'm the one inviting all these delicious boys to my house for a party. I won't tell you yet how exactly we manage the story but it'll be fun, I promise you. Desperate for some on-set gossip? Well, George Duroy asked Lukas to assist Marty with two of the episodes and he did a really good job. When you're watching the movie you can try to guess which are Marty's episodes and which are Lukas's.

The cast includes stars like Josh, Brandon, Steve, Paul, Ricky, Henri, Oleg, Kurt, Justin, Keith, Todd, Trevor and newcomers Mark, Niall, Jan, Jerome and Vlado.

As always I was the spectre at the feast with my roving camera. Today's clip I shot at the final wrap party and I hope I managed to capture some of the more atmospheric moments for you. To be your guide through the event we picked Gilles Marais again. He's questioning the boys, trying to find out who, what, when and how, all of that.

Our clown, Paul Valery, showed himself in his usual light, the one you know already, making jokes and creating both fun and havoc for everybody. We have to forgive him, there is no way we'll ever change him. His plus side is that when he is shooting he takes the job very seriously indeed and never has a problem with anything. We can always rely on him.

I spent three days in Budapest with my camera so there'll be a few more clips coming up here from the various activities.

What else would interest you? There was one dramatic night when one of the boys had a phone call from his very jealous partner back home. "If you can shoot a movie in Budapest," partner said, "I'm going out with my friends to have some fun too". Result of this? One broken chair, a door and a TV set - but fortunately no blood. The lad simply couldn't manage the situation. It's not always easy being in love!

I'll tell you more about the various episodes as the clips are made ready.

Here's the first one to enjoy -


Photos - videocaptures from the party

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Follow up to African trip.

Last week I gave you some info about what was going on in Africa and what George had shot for his main production. In addition to our regular production jobs Sebastian and I were also shooting smaller scale episodes for the Journal and for the website. I mentioned the three-handed blowjob with Ralph Woods, Trevor Yates and Mark Zebro. Well, I also recorded a brief interview with Ralph to tell you how it all happened. This piece I'll give you pretty soon.

From among all the episodes we shot I'll tease you about the one with Todd and little Lukas. These two young beauties seemed to me a bit inexperienced and that I think could be a turn on for some of you. Maybe Seb and I will shoot a second part to it with him as trainer, teaching the two lads how to fuck. We'll give this idea some serious thought!

Then we have the Oleg and Jan episode. It was shot outdoors at a location we'd used two years ago. These two guys absolutely didn't owe each other a thing. They'd fucked each other in the past and enjoyed it a lot, why not? Plan this time was for Jan alone to bottom but Oleg asked me to rewrite the script so he could bottom too. No sooner said than done - two for the price of one!

I must also mention the very lively sequence shot at a location that belongs to a really nice man who writes and directs movies and lives in SA now. This guy, let's call him Michael, gave us some wonderful hospitality, himself preparing a barbecue for all of us not only with beef but ostrich steaks too.
It was in his garden we shot the episode with Josh and Jan on the sofa. The privacy of his place allowed them to moan as much as they wanted to. It all begins with a quad bike tour where these two have the eye for each other. Later on we see them with Sascha and Alex freshening up and splashing around in the pool. A glass of wine later there's a wee fight between Josh and Sacha because Sascha started to proposition Alex, so Josh hustles Jan away for a little private "talk". Is that clear? Sascha and Alex performed their parts under the magisterial conductor's baton of Lukas himself.

Among the blow job segments we shot I must single out Alex, Manuel and Sascha's effort where they were all quite ravenous for cum! Not a drop was spared. Waste not, want not, say I.

As for the week's pictures, I'm giving you video captures selected from various dailies, plus some more private pictures of the boys. For some these, to let you in on a little secret, Davy Paxton had bought himself an appropriate camera and lenses and in his spare time was shooting
the boys with his photographer's eye, so some of the pictures in the gallery are Davy's. Is he going to be competition for Marty, do you think? A lad of many talents, as well you know.

For the issue next week I'm aiming to give you a clip of the wrap party in Budapest for Too Many Boys 2. Or, maybe an interview with Ralph??? We'll see.

Love you,


Photos - private pictures of the boys

Photos - video captures from episodes

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports

Return of the warior!

Hi there!

Finally, after three weeks away, we're back from Cape Town in South Africa. This Journal won't include a video clip, I didn't have time enough to prepare one, but let me at least tell you briefly what we got up to down there.

Basically we worked in three separate teams. There were George and Marty, Sebastian and myself, Lukas by himself. Our base for the stay was as usual the Glen Boutique Hotel and we also rented, of course, some beautiful locations for the filming. Altogether we shot around twenty episodes and the full cast comprised Brandon Manillow, Josh Elliot, Luke Hamill, Oleg Tarkowski, Trevor Yates, Mark Zebro, Todd Rosset, Sascha Chaykin, Alex Orioli, Manuel Rios, Kurt Diesel, Matt Philippe, Troy Allen, Davy Paxton, Jan and Lukas.

To tantalize you I will mention combinations such as Davy and Todd, Brandon and Manuel, Troy and Trevor, Luke and Kurt, Brandon and Oleg, Josh and Alex, Davy and little Lukas, Todd and Mark, Jan and Troy as well as the fantastic foursome of Luke, Brandon, Troy and Jan. Interested?

You already know that George invited Ralph Woods from Canada to join our African expedition. Ralph is an extremely handsome guy with great charisma, and he's got big too! He loves to deep throat which he demonstrates in a blow-job segment with Trevor and Mark Zebro. (He also worked with Sascha, too.) This episode isn't finished because of the weather, we only got the blow jobs done. Ralph also made a principal episode with Josh, Marty shot a regular photoset with him, and there's a cover photoshoot along with Josh. Ralph made several interviews for us as well. Busy busy!

Besides the filming the boys had a huge amount of fun. We took them go-karting, quad-biking, wake-boarding, speed boating. They had the use of a big pool and could work out every day, they went to Safari, had an archery contest, and were diving with giant white sharks (as production manager I was trying to save on return air fares, of course!). Simply put there were so many great things to do and who would not want to be a Bel Ami model?

Finally, for one blow job scene with Kurt Diesel and Trevor Yates, we hired a classic old American veteran, a yellow Pontiac GTO. This sequence was shot al fresco amidst sandy dunes close by the sea. Very romantic and colorful footage we got there, I can tell you!

Photos - private pictures of the boys

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Categories: Special Reports

A Training Session with Bolek and Vlado - by Luke

Luke gave me his edited part of a new training session with Bolek and Vlado. Vlado comes from a small but very well known town in the Czech Republic that produces cars. Usually Bolek does his filming in Prague but this was an exception. In this clip I've put Luke's part together with my little intro where I introduce Vlado. I wanted to give a taste of his personality.

George is very happy to have Luke around, because he is very enthusiastic in what he is doing. He is always horny and anxious to train new recruits. Luke's system for doing these sessions is as follows. He makes two or three in a row.

As trainers he uses Sascha Chaykin and Bolek Polanski and sometimes he is a trainer too.

Second camera is operated by Josh Elliot. You see how it works? George wants to give opportunities to the models to learn other jobs, not just to be pretty and smile, we want them smart, too!

Anyone disagree? I think the boys are doing better and better.

See you in a week,


Photos - Bolek and Vlado

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports

Day by Day at BelAmi - part 5.

In today's installment I'm giving you another Kevin, not our Kevin Elola but our pretty boy scout. I put a few simple questions to him because I thought you'd like to learn more about him. Kevin is located in Bratislava, runs a modeling agency for boys and girls, and over time has brought some excellent types to BelAmi. He was once a model too, well actually a mini model as he explains. He only did a casting as far as I know but my memory might be wrong. Maybe one of you will remember.

Then you'll meet our production assistant Misko, who is signing the attendance book kept in the front office. He shows me how hard working he is, coming in at 6:15 in the morning. Order is needed, no question about it.

My next victim is Jakub, who really wasn't prepared for my attack.

After some quick warm-up questions when he tells us he's a football player and in the beginning here was a bit scared, I tossed him this profound query, "Did you fuck any of your team players?" He caught his breath - but there were no surprises!. I guess he's still too young to have acquired this kind of skill but we will teach him, don't you worry.

You're also going to see Luke at work editing his latest training session with Bolek and a new boy, Vlado.

Those scenes will be ready for you next week.

All the best to you,


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Special Reports

Coming Together.

On his trip here last summer Howard didn't only shoot soft cocks. I've got two clips where the boys have it hard, and they cum too. The first scenes take place on a beach a few kilometers from Bratislava. It wasn't a secluded spot, other people were there swimming and staring at the boys. Our models, Josh Elliot and Joel D'Amici, really had fun. They splashed water, they wrestled, they had a great time. It was also somewhat risky since there were snakes in the water!

However, there's nothing really special to say about this part and it was more interesting in the afternoon when we had the hard ons. As you'll see, Csaba from Budapest and Thierry Aulin finished off their shoot together with a cumshot. I tell you, Howard's camera got pretty steamy as he was pushing the tit! At this session I have to say that I wasn't expecting much more than a few naked pictures from Csaba but fortunately he surprised me a lot.

When he came in the office that morning he was very shy and apparently untouchable. Howard had a really tough time warming him up. The truth is that he hadn't done any previous casting or training sessions, it was all first time for him, so he was a bit apprehensive of the stills and video cameras. By the end, however, you can see he would do whatever you asked him to do. Miracles do sometimes happen!

The second clip I mentioned is at the factory. Brian Bennet demonstrates his athletic skills and then, together with Davy Paxton, they cum at the end of their shoot together. I promise you'll see this clip soon.

Enjoy -


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Special Reports

Day by Day in BelAmi - part 4.

It's a routine morning here. In the front office I'm meeting with Trevor Yates who's arrived in Bratislava to get his instructions for a shoot in the High Tatras.

Besides him George is sending a few more of the boys (Bolek Polanski, Benjamin Bloom, Todd Rosset and some others) to the farm house where Robert Boggs is making his winter project.

It's a test to see if this kind of co-production works - the future will tell us more. What's the English saying? "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" and I expect there's going to be some "eating" going on up there.

In the chair it's Jirka. He's come for a photo session with Marty so I'm putting a few questions to him. Oh man! This boy has more lovers now than I've had in all my life. Later on I went to check their progress in the upstairs studio. Marty is making jokes all the time, of course. You can't take him seriously, otherwise you'd go crazy - this here is an essence of how it went.

The whole photo session with the cum shot will be scheduled on the web in due course.



Photos - day by day video captures

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Categories: Special Reports

Danny Takes Ben For A Ride.

This is another summer episode shot in the old derelict factory in Bratislava. You remember the piece with Paul Valery and Keith Johansson I gave you earlier? That was at the same location but in a different building.

As for the opening to the scene, Marty decided to put them on a motorbike. Danny, who drives fast bikes in his private life, was the right person to do it, Ben was just a key hanger. Danny looked somewhat funny on that big bike. The fact is that he isn't very tall so we had some worries whether he could touch the ground sitting on the machine. Luckily, he balanced perfectly and they didn't fall.

The set up for these episodes was way different to the ones shot in the studio. We were using the factory space as it was with some old abandoned furniture, and we got a few complaints from the models - it definitely wasn't the luxury they've grown used to in Cape Town, for example. But it's safe enough and it looks so great on camera!

Shooting this episode was full of fun. Danny is a big comedian. He was showing us his hip-hop intro and declaiming poetry while he was sucking on Ben's dick. He's quite a tease and always behaves like that with his partners. So, here he is in action and no further words are needed from me.

For the entry next week, I'll give you Day by Day At BelAmi, part 4. It's mainly focused on a photo session by Marty with one of the new boys. In the beginning you'll see one of the lads who has it really big!



Photos - Danny and Ben

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Categories: Special Reports

Day by Day in BelAmi - part 3.

Hi My Dearies!

As I mentioned in my teaser last week, in this clip you'll see these new items: Jeff editing his extended casting with Kevin Elola, where he is showing us their little gambol with a dildo;

always most happy fella Josh Elliot;

a new recruit posing for my camera; and a little chat with Kevin. It was very amusing when I asked Jeff about what he was doing. His reply looks like a badly rehearsed attempt, but it's for real and we were laughing a lot when we checked it out on the tape. You have to understand, we're not native speakers.

Have I told you that in March there is to be another trip to South Africa? Yes, George is really into this country. As for the cast - it should include Brandon Manilow, Josh Elliot, Matt Phillippe, Luke Hamil, Troy Allen and Manuel Rios from among the older contingent and from the newer faces you can look forward to seeing Jan, Lukas, Mark Zebro? But it's not for sure yet.

On this expedition George intends to shoot as much material as possible for you. We'll be spending almost three weeks there and we'll bring back more episodes than ever.

I still haven't shown you tons of my documentary pictures from our previous trips. There are masses of material not yet published but here you have a mix of images as a reminder and a foretaste.

For next week I'm scheduling my documentary from a summer episode with Danny and Ben. Danny, as usual a charming lad, will add his comments in those moments when he's not fully focused on sucking or fucking. He sometimes belches a pearl out of his mouth! I advise you not to miss this cute piece next week.

And take care,


Photos - video captures

Photos - african mixture

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports

An Interview with Mark.

This is another interview I made by chance without any special prior arrangement. One day, when everybody was out of the office about their tasks, I caught Brandon and a new boy called Mark sitting on a sofa.

Mark was very studiously reading some papers. I, an always curious man, asked him a few questions. Mark was a bit cold from the beginning, maybe because he was reading an exclusive contract which had been offered him by George.

Brandon didn't want to cooperate much this time but at least he's sent a romantic kiss to you all - our dear fans.

I've again captured some still images from the sequence. I always do this because my Journals seem to be read by non Bel Ami Members too and they aren't able to watch the clips in motion. This way at least they can be informed about what's going on in the films - and maybe it's a good tease for them to become part of us and join our big BelAmi family!!!

What's the plan for next week? I'll be giving you "Day by Day in BelAmi - part 3" where I'm showing you some of our Awards and trophies, a piece from a Jeff Extended Casting, a very happy Josh Elliot, a new recruit posing for my camera, and a little chat with Kevin Elola. It was very funny when I asked Jeff about what he was doing. His answer looks like a badly rehearsed try, but it's really for real and it made us both laugh a lot when we checked it out on the tape. Please, you have to understand, we're not native speakers.

You can also look forward soon to seeing Danny and Ben in their summertime tryst; a cover photo session with Kevin, Elias and Justin; some clips from Budapest; a Brian Bennet cumshot from one of Howard's photo shoots; documentary pictures from the Mating Season project; a few clips from Marty's winter production (there's a great scene where a bunch of the guys fuck Casper Watts on a pool table), and lots lot more. Plus, and wait for it, more and more Day by Day stuff.

I love you, right?


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Special Reports

A day by day in BelAmi - part 2.

Here's another documentary clip about daily duties inside the company. You told me the previous clip (Day by Day at BelAmi - part 1) wasn't long enough for you. Okay, my dears, here you have something little longer. In this clip I've focused on two brand new cuties who came by to make an internet episode with Lukas. Aren't they charming?

And then there's Gilles Marais who is driving for the company these days. Yes, he looks a bit older, but the spirit within him is still just the same after all these years. That's good, eh?

And then you'll see Sebbie at his editing desk. He'll tell you about his thoughts during a routine day. Is it not fascinating to watch naked boys, see them fuck each other, and get paid for it as well? Not a bad job to have!

We're all really proud we can be part of this big, happy family, so thanks George!

For my next Journal I've prepared an interview with a new boy at our place by the name Mark Zebro. He will tell us about his turn-ons and about his plans for the future. If anyone isn't sure why George asked him to stay with us on exclusive basis, you'll understand immediately when he pulls down his pants and starts to fuck. I hope you'll be seeing that soon.

Next week Marty, Sebastian, Lukas, a bunch of the boys and the crew depart for Budapest. Marty will be directing "Too Many Boys 2" there. The location is rented and the production's all set up. I'll also be going for a few days to collect some material from the shoot for you and I'll do some short interviews with the boys too. Do you have any interesting questions for them? Tell me and I'll ask.

Enjoy today's entry!!!


Photos - video captures

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Categories: Special Reports

Howard Roffman shoots BelAmi boys - part 4.

This photo shoot took place at two different locations. To start with, Howard took Paul Valery and Pascal Eppy to where George shot his Mating Season project. This beautiful outdoor location is situated 100 km outside Bratislava and offers lots of cute little places to shoot in. The pictures show Paul and Pascal in the meadow, in the neat house, in the hay, and around an old cottage.

The funny thing about this shoot was that when, with Howard, we were selecting the boys for it we didn't realize the size of Paul's dick. It's not that Pascal has a tiny dick but seeing them standing next to each other you realize the difference. Pascal noticed the fact immediately and I had to use all my psychological skills to convince him not to cover himself up all the time. But it was, anyway, a very nice and relaxed session.

In the afternoon that same day we went to an old ruined palace. The selection of Luke Hamil, Thierry Aulin and Jan made for just a perfect combination and the boys had a lot of fun together. And the chemistry between them! I tell you, you couldn't see the boys through the aura they created around themselves.

Howard played comprehensively with the location and with the abilities of the boys. There were kisses, caresses, jerk-offs - it was, simply, another marvelously sexy photo session by the really talented photographer that Howard surely is.

All the best,


Photos - captures

Photos - howard's images

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Categories: Special Reports

A day by day in BelAmi - part 1.

Here is part one of a new Day by Day in BelAmi series. It's a short clip of what's going on here in our main production unit. You'll see some new recruits for the casting sessions, an always happy Luke Hamil, and there's a short chat with Adrian Kinski.

For my next Journal I'll give you another photosession with Howard and the boys. I'm also working on a documentary clip where you'll see Sebastian at work on his editing. And, of course, you'll see some of the new faces who enter our office.

A new movie is coming soon too; it's Marty's winter project, and I'll be bringing you a lot of funny moments from the shoot. There will also be a clip about a summer encounter between Danny Saradon and Ben Keaton. It's all lovely material for you to watch so, Stay Tuned Out There!


Photos - a day by day pictures

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Categories: Special Reports

Special Christmas Soup prepared by George Duroy.

A few days before Christmas George organized a little party in the office. Our Big Boss, our Daddy, our Uncle, he himself brewed up his special Xmas soup for the entire company. He'd made several special shopping trips and then spent the whole day putting all the ingredients together. I don't know how to make this special soup but it contains cabbage, meat-sausage, smoked chicken meat, potatoes and many other little relishes and flavors. Oh god, that soup was great! The event was mainly for the benefit of the BelAmi staff in Bratislava and you can catch glimpses of our graphic designer, editor and accountant in the clip. But we also invited some of the models; Alex, Sascha, Luke, Josh, Henri Gaudin and Manuel Rios were supping with us too.

Here's a little mystery for you! In the clip there is a boy you haven't seen for ages. Do you remember his name? I'm very curious who'll recognize him. Post in the blog if you do.

Benno Thoma, the Dutch photographer, was also there. He'd come to Bratislava to make a selection of images for his new book.

He doesn't have a name for the book yet but "any good suggestions will be appreciated," he said. Here are a few of the first pictures that he selected.



Photos - Xmas soup

Photos - Benno's images

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