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Hi my dears!

It's Xmas in four days (so tell me, just where did that year past go?). I trust you've all finished your shopping and that some stunning presents are hidden away in the closet, all set to astound family, friends, and lovers.

My own present to you is this clip with super stars Brandon and Dolph, about the filming of their big episode together. It's probably freezing outside where you are so let me bring some warmth into your hearts and households with this summer piece, une partie de campagne.

The session took place in the countryside not far from Bratislava. Actually it 's where George also shot his Mating Season film and where both Howard Roffman and Michael Andrew have photographed our models.

This particular shoot took place over three days and included a photo session covering the episode. You're going to see a lot of funny moments, situations such as Brandon giving up all his fortune on behalf of Johan, a peeing Dolph, an unawakened Brandon, etc. We had fun.

And there's no lack of sexual stuff, either. George filled up the sequence with tons of super hot hot positions, overseeing every detail of the action. He's manic when it comes to detail.

Photos - dolph and brandon

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


Hi there, my friends!

Who doesn't agree with me? Wouldn't it be crazy not to want to be in a discotheque where young and beautiful lads are dancing, stripped to the waist in low slung jeans, creating a really sizzling and heady atmosphere that just oozes sex, while in every possible corner others are luxuriating in delirious blow jobs? Wow, I'm sure everyone of us would die to be there, right?

It's exactly one of the ideas in the new movie George has recently shot in Budapest. We organized a party at a new club called Revenge and threw It open to the public. The club itself is very smart, handsomely decorated and furnished, and not the least of its attractions are a lot of secluded boxes where you can talk in private, practice on your favorite musical instrument - or whatever else takes your fancy!

As for the Bel Ami squad in the sequence, it's a mixture of some new, pretty Hungarian debutants who will set you all aflutter, along with with some of our established stars like Dolph, Manuel, Luke and Alex.

In my clip today you're going to see a summary of what went on during that evening.

I'm offering you a look at three separate sexy segments - blowjobs between Dolph and Manuel, Ferenc and Jozsef, Patrick Peterson and Florian Nemec.

You'll also see how the boys unbend while dancing.

I must warn you the sequence with Ferenc and Jozsef may not end up in the final film, simply because Ferenc at the end couldn't cum. He was so shy and nervous that he just gave up. Later on he made his abject apologizes and I could see that he was really sad about it. But never mind, we know only too well that things like that can happen. What else is there to say about him? I shot a brief interview with him when he disclosed he'd been a boxer, a good one I suspect. It all ended for him when he got into a fight and was beaten up rather badly so he stopped boxing - a wise decision on his part, I think, it's a barbaric sport. Sensible lad, he's gone back to his studies. We want all our boys to have a secure future.

At the club it gave us, th

Photos - disco night @ Budapest

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Hi everyone!

Today we're on a return trip to Budapest for some insight into another scene that George shot there along with Marty. There's then going to be one more clip from this city, the situation we shot in a disco club, but that's another story you'll get to see in due course.

This one was shot in our office cum studio. Alex drove Ariel there in his car from Bratislava and they had some company on the way, Alex's very cute little dog, Kiko, so on the set that day we had three four-footed friends, Attila's Paris, Marty's Bielko and Kiko. You can imagine how crazy everything was, I mean the barking, the yapping, the scrapping for a bone or a toy; I should have taken Max along to eat them all up.

At the time he was shooting this episode with Alex, Ariel was still freshly trained meat so my question was a logical one, "Have you learned how to clean yourself properly?"

I know that sounds a bit crass but I also know you like to have all the gory details explained. Well, sure he did is the answer, Luke was his trainer and had gone through all the secrets of preparing oneself for a shoot. Luke prides himself on being a professional and does his job 100 percent.

In two of the shots you can see Trevor, always horny. Even when he's having breakfast he's got an unquenchable hard on.

What can I say about staunch Alex? He was so happy he could meet up again with some old friends, along with the studio staff. They all were spoiling Kiko with sausages, the rotten bastards.

Have I told you that Alex has recently been working in a massage salon in Bratislava? One of his frequent customers is an enthusiastic Lukas, who says Alex is a highly satisfactory master of the art!

Whilst shooting this episode, George assigned ubiquitous Luke to check out the monitors for proper exposure and focus.

Novice Ariel, it turned out at one point, had a little problem with his erection.

Photos - Alex and Ariel images

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles

Howard's back.

Hello to everyone desirous of viewing young men in all their glorious beauty.

For today, let's have a break with the entries from Budapest. Recently I mentioned that our friend Howard Roffman came to Slovakia again. There are no pictures from his last trip yet in my hand, but when I was checking my files, there is one more video and pictures from his previous trip you've never seen. It'd be a pity not to show it to you.

So who were the models? Of course you'll see Dolph and then Jim Henson, Fabien Lally and Todd Rosset.

This clip is divided in two sections. Howard began to shoot in his hotel room with Doplh and Jim. He started with each boy solo and then the boys met in the bed.

Howard created warm ambient with a lot of gentle touches and kisses. As the excitement increases the boys start jerking off and you all know how it all ends?

In the afternoon that day we were working in the studio and also in the garden next to it. During this photosession Howard mixed Todd, Fabien and Dolph in various combinations.

You'll be also seeing more of a physical contact between the boys.

In the picture gallery I'm giving you an overview of Howard's first selects of the trip.

No more words needed. Just enjoy the beautiful pictures and look for the new ones he took month ago.

I'm wishing you a good weekend.


Photos - images

Photos - howard's first selects

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Categories: Interviews, Special Reports, Articles


Hello everybody! Johan reporting for duty once again.

How's the start to your weekend? I hope you're all ready for me after a wild bout of morning sex , a saunter in a sunny park, a healthy breakfast and a steaming cup of coffee. If that's not the case I must make it up to you by presenting an entry that will turn you on real fast and make you grab at whomsoever is close to hand for a very sexy session.

Today you're going to see a documentary I shot about a new episode featuring Matt and Trevor. The day Matt and I were driving to Budapest for it he didn't have a clue whom we'd lined up to be his partner. We all know how vociferously Matt claims to be so straightsville. My own belief, however, is that he loves having sex with the boys and enjoys every second of it - but when he realized that Trevor was going to top him his face became as pale as death. Given some of his past partners I was a bit surprised but, luckily for us all, his first fear of Trevor's gun passed away like a summer's breeze, even before we got to Budapest.

We shot in our office there and George's concept was to make the episode another night scene . The premise is that the boys have spent a night out on the town and returned home all steamed up. They don't even get as far as the living room but grab each other and start to have sex right there on the sofa next to the door.

Too horny for the usual warm up they immediately jump straight to the action. As you watch the blow job sequence, especially when Matt is sucking Trevor's log, you won't, I bet, remain stoical any more than I did myself.

Matt was so enthusiastic and eager going to it that I just loved to watch.

The time came next for the fucking part and Marty's face tells it all.

The initial penetration was a bit hard on Matt and I could see he was suffering, and also the tempo was not to Marty's satisfaction. Poor Matt badly needed to take a break.

Then suddenly it all changed and one of those on-set miracles occurred. Out of the blue we saw a new Matt, not only enjoying Trevor's tool up his ass but forcing himself back on to that huge cock to take in every millimeter. To everyone's surprise he kept demanding loudly that Trevor fuck him very, very hard - which Trevor, ever ready to oblige, did. We have such a dedicated team!

Photos - matt and trevor

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Hi everyone!

Back again with something new for you and this time we find ourselves once more in Budapest. It's a brief foretaste of a new episode with two of our superstars, Dolph Lambert and Manuel Rios.

We shot the piece in Attila's bedroom. It's an ideal space to work in because our apartment there is extensive and the rooms are large, with lots of spaces and angles to stage the action in. You can also stay over and work with your computer , which is very useful for me.

Right, what's so special about this episode? Anything at all? Definitely yes, I think, definitely yes! The fact the actors are Dolph and Manuel already makes it a real turn on but George wanted this episode to be one big and very special piece. To start out with our two beauties were given the decision themselves who would fuck whom first.

Dolph was the lucky one to be on the bottom for the day and took himself off to the bathroom to prepare himself.

While he was doing his duty I asked Manuel what he would be showing us and right away he agreed to demonstrate with his partner a selection of positions.

If that wasn't enough we also had Luke on the set, certain to have lots more ideas. We put him in charge of selecting and supervising their positioning - who else is more of an expert in knowing what's comfortable for the models and what's going to look great on camera as well?

There was one thing more to do before we started the filming. George wanted Dolph to look really superb, absolutely super perfect, so he asked Marty to use some light make-up to conceal the birth mark on Dolph's splendid cock.

That was done but more recently Dolph has had it removed completely (the blemish, not the cock!)

This episode is chock-a-block with sexy positions and pulsing action so you can spend the weekend staring to your heart's content at these lads' stunning bodies going at it. The fact it's a night episode also gives it a very special feeling and it's definitely and decidedly going to be a hot experience when later you can watch the entire scene on our website.

I know you're really going to enjoy my entry this week so I'll leave you to it and sign off by

Wishing you all a great weekend.

Your Johan.

Photos - dolph and manuel

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Hi there, my dear friends!

Two weeks ago, you?ll remember, I took you inside Sebastian?s new apartment to give you a look at Kurt and Trevor finishing off that energetic African encounter of theirs.

Today, we're moving to that lovely city Budapest and into a new apartment building bordering the banks of the Danube . I tell you, it is such a romantic place; I lose my heart whenever we go there!

There are two recent beauties involved in today?s featured piece, Jacques Briere and Kieron Ethy.

I start off the clip with a short interview with them both - the boys are telling me when and where each lost his virginity and that should really interest you some. Jacques is dreaming of winning a Porn Oscar and Kieron tells us how he likes to have sex out in the midst of glorious nature. I also sneak in a question whether they're ever playing with any toys in bed.

Now, let's get down to the action! The episode started in the kitchen with a blow job, hard by the table.

Jacques then had a letch to taste Kieron?s ass so he took a lick at it and before you could say another word he had stuck his cock well up into that fragrant recess.

After their warm up, they moved on into the bedroom. Jacques is very physical and got so deeply involved in the fuck that he was sweating all over his body. I loved it when he said, "French passion requires a drop of sweat".

True enough, you could smell him all over the place. You?ll find this one hot episode with lots of mutual chemistry.

So, Enjoy,

Your Johan.

Photos - jacques and kieron

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Hi there!

So, here we are again. What shall I tell you about today's piece?

Well, actually it all started on our last trip to South Africa. At the end of our stay I suddenly got the idea to hire an American old timer, a yellow Pontiac GTO that we'd come across so, on their free day, Sebastian and I invited Trevor and Kurt along on a trip to the National Park. You find African nature there in all its beauty, some really wonderful views, it's a gorgeous place. As we had the boys in the car we felt that we should do something with them, maybe shoot a little film, huh? Considering the situation, since they both have such huge cocks, what could be better we thought than to organize a little oral activity on top of that handsome automobile? So we looked around and located a private and secluded spot in the sand dunes, surrounded by some little trees, where we set to and improvised these two-way blow jobs. That done, pleased and satisfied with ourselves, we went back with the good feeling that we'd done something useful for the day.

Back at the ranch, when we showed him our material, George decided to expand Trevor and Kurt's little affair and so the second part, the fucking, was filmed in Sebastian's new apartment.

He's furnished his place with African artefacts and decorated with colors that look pretty good on camera.

In my docu you'll see Kurt presenting some toys he got ready for Trevor - and, rest assured, we gave him a wide selection of butt plugs to play with.

Later on, as the action develops, it appears Kurt has no problem at all taking Trevor but that's not entirely true.

Kurt explains to us we should be very happy he didn't refuse it with Trevor, most other boys would run a mile if they glimpsed Trevor's lengthy hose.

During the breaks, Sebastian is actively showing Trevor what could be done to make things look even better on camera.

I think I should apologize for Sebastian's unshaven face on the morning of the shoot. He'd been arranging the set and he didn't know I would be coming to capture atmosphere during the filming (which was, as always, pleasant, easy and relaxed).

So, what?s new here in Bratislava and our sister city Prague? Well last week we again had the pleasure of a visit from our old and good friend, Howard Roffman.

As you?d expect he was here to shoot some more of the BelAmi boys for the new books he is planning. During his trip we went on to Budapest where in our office there Howard was working with some adorable new recruits, and then we moved to that factory splashed with graffiti.

In Bratislava he based the shoot in his hotel room; actually he was very grand and took the presidential suite. There?s going to be so much for you to look, my dears! Howard took thousands of great images and it?ll be a

Photos - Trevor & Kurt

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Categories: Special Reports


Hi there, Friends!

Let me ask, how did you like my previous Journal entries? Did you ever look at them? I'm wondering because I didn't see any comments posted and it's always useful to hear your opinions. I'm not fishing for compliments, honest!

For today's post I've shot an interview with everyone's favorite, our cute, adorable, cuddly Dolph.

It's in response to all the requests I've had from you lately, our faithful fans, that I should give you something along those lines. We did it when we were shooting George's new Night Out project in Budapest. I took Dolph to a nearby park and plied him with questions not just about his recent life with us but as well about his childhood, his studies, partners, sexual life, etc. Some of his answers surprised me quite a bit - and I thought I knew Dolph well enough. It doesn't make much sense to rewrite the content of the interview here and since in the video captures there is only an indication of what we were talking about I suggest you watch the clip itself.

What's up next on Johan's Journal? Well, I'm going to give you my coverage of the fuck part of an episode with Kurt Diesel and Trevor Yates. What's interesting about the clip is that the blow jobs were actually shot in South Africa (on a yellow Pontiac GTO) and the rest of the episode in Sebastian's new apartment in Bratislava. You really can be looking forward to this fuck session - I don't have to tell you, there'll be some huge cocks and a really warm atmosphere on the set. The plan is that this episode will be probably going into a new Some Like It Big, Part Two movie.

That's it for today, I'm wishing you all a beautiful weekend.

Ciao -


Photos - dolph

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A gracious Saturday greeting to all from Bratislava. I expect some of you have just woken up in a lovely warm sweet smelling bed. If that's the case then you just lie there dreaming or, better still, reach out and have another go with your partner. On another hand, there are more adventurous places to do it than in bed. What would you say to an invitation to join your best friends for a fuck in a hay loft? That was exactly the proposition for Luke Hamil, Tobias Hayek and Mark Vernon.

The first named actually invited his two best friends to come up and fuck with him in front of the camera. I don't know yet where this episode will end up, what movie it'll add its color to, so better to talk today about the docu footage I've cut for you.

Before we all got down to the real action I was curious (it's a fault of mine) to hear what's new in these boys' lives. Luke boastfully tossed out a list of what he's been doing for BelAmi.
It was such a long list and I'm not even going to start naming it. Check my video captures.

We haven't see Tobias for ages but he still has that typical Indian look.

He and Luke tell me where they're going on holiday. They also telling me that they're just like twins together and how they share apartments, lovers, what you will. Sounds interesting!

The boys warmed up in front of a ruined building (they're our speciality!) by having a photo session that transformed itself into blow jobs. In the morning the weather on location was great, sunny and warm, but as Marty was taking the concluding shots of the blow jobs it started to rain heavily.

The rain then became a storm and it looked as if we'd have to abandon the shoot at that point. Adrian, who was with us that day, had disappeared but reappeared a little later soaking wet.

He'd gone off to record the sound of the rain and confirm what an excellent sound recordist he really is.

Out of the blue the rain suddenly stopped. We were extremely pleased we hadn't made a long trip into the wilderness for little more than the blow jobs and we went straight back to work.

During the session I managed to capture some funny moments for you. Luke is matching his dick against a tree but if you want to know why you'll have to watch the clip! And our old mate Marty is telling me how hard it is for him to keep in shape and what methods he's using to do it.

But back to the action! As his first partner Luke picked Mark to fuck with and chose to do it from behind so Mark could simultaneously give Tobias a blow job.

Photos - video captures

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This is an episode that Marty shot last summer. I think originally George intended it to be part of a planned Private Life of Manuel Rios & Alex Orioli project but it's always possible it'll go into some other film instead. George likes to keep his options open.

The opening is something special. Marty took Rick and Manuel to a monkey course where they spent time busily clambering, climbing, jumping and hanging about just like real monkeys always do (honestly, no comparison with the boys is intended).

And as they'd started off as monkeys, Marty asked them both to go on in the same style in the main part of the sequence.

With the assistance of those old reliables Mark Russos and Adrian Kinski, Marty fashioned this episode into a very fetching piece of work.

I'm not certain what more there is to say about it - it's well up to Marty's high standards, stylish lighting, revealing set-ups, and, of course, to stir your cojones, two very handsome and admired models. Rick, as well we know him, had a great time topping Manuel who adores to be bottom. I think it shows. Could there also have been a swap around that day? Sadly no in this case, but maybe another time, so cool down and keep your fingers crossed!

Versatile Manuel also gave Rick deep throat and for that he got not only a welcome compliment from his partner but a generous present as well - a gushing cum shot to the face.

I've often said that shooting porn is not as easy as you might think and in some of my coverage today you'll get a glimpse of how our stuff gets made. You can see Marty giving instructions to the models on how to position a partner's leg or where to turn his face to get the perfect porn shot.

It's part of the BelAmi modus to give such meticulous attention to detail and we know it shows in the completed work.
That's about it for this week; you'll find a few funny moments included as usual, of course, so enjoy.

I'm wishing you all a beautiful weekend,


Important notice: In case you aren't able to watch the video from this site go to and check out the Exclusive programming section. The problem might be that BelAmi stuff is reorganizing the whole BelAmi website these days. Everything will be sorted out very soon.

Photos - video captures

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Hi there!

I'm back again as promised with the second part of coverage of Luke and Justin's trip to Heatgay 2007. In my first clip you saw how busy the boys had to be during the two days of our stay, signing DVDs and pictures, posing for the fans, all that stern duty requires, so there wasn't much time left for fun.

My job on these sorties is to be the organizer, the chronicler, and the Den Mother, so the next morning I entered the boys' hotel room to get them going for the Festival. What did I find? There they were, side by side on a sofa, still in bath robes, clutching a glass of champagne each.

It's not a bad life, working for BelAmi, and the Festival organizers also take care of their cuties rather well.

In front of my bashful eyes, before I could say to them, "dress up, make ready for the show", my two horny lads got themselves into a pre-breakfast intimate affair. Something seemed to be sprouting between their legs. They weren't interested that we were going to be late for the festival and that the organizers and the fans would be pissed off, their desire to get closer to each other was simply stronger than anything else. What could I do? Stop them and ruin this heated atmosphere? I said only that I would have a word with the organizers to warn them we were behind schedule and that I had only one condition - that I could stay and watch. Justin, who always seems so innocent, assured me it would only take a minute . . .

In fact, it didn't take any time at all. Justin was first off, jumping on to Luke's cock. He must be a pretty expert sucker because Luke said he felt he was being served like a king.

Then he took over and started to suck Justin, showing him his way of doing it, playing with Justin's foreskin, licking his balls like an ice cream, deep throating him.

It was all too much for Justin, he just couldn't stand it and soon came over Luke's shoulder and belly.

Luke, however, was still not satisfied. He can only cum after a good fuck so off the boys went to the bedroom, because the living room wasn't a safe place for a noisy screw - it neighbored the hotel manager's office and he left his office door open all the time.

In the bedroom Justin didn't even have a chance to reach the bed. Luke caught him half way across the room and started to take him over a little dressing table, but that didn't last very long, Justin wanted to be more decorous and use the bed. It was a lot more comfortable for both of them and gave Justin the chance to ride himself on Luke.

Their passions were

Photos - video captures

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It's become a BelAmi tradition to send some of our stars to Barcelona for the annual HeatGay Festival there. Two years ago it was Lukas, Sebastian and myself who went to meet our Spanish fans.
Last year we again received an invitation from Carlos Resa, the director of the festival's gay section, and we selected Luke and Justin to represent us.

Already I've earlier shown you some images from that trip and now I've cut two video clips for you. One is a documentary covering the festival itself, the other is about Justin and Luke together in their hotel room.

Today it's clip number one. It shows the boys meeting their fans, posing for pictures with them, signing, all that routine.

Then there are some shots of the on stage attractions - dance performances,

the fucking competition, etc.,

and at the end of the clip you see some of the festival awards.

We spent two days in Barcelona. For the boys they were two days full of new experiences and feelings. I was a bit worried because of the language barrier. Luke can only say "yes" or "no" in English (usually it's "yes") and Justin, bless him, not even that but much to my surprise they always understood what they were being asked to do.

The compere for the show was a drag queen who also had her own show (you'll see a few shots of that in the clip);

I'm sorry to say I never got her name but I hope she'll forgive me. It was this Lady who introduced our lads to the audience on the stage.

Luke and Justin didn't talk much but they stripped off their torsos to show their lovely abs.

The Awards evening was indeed something new for the boys. Before we were allowed into the main hall we had a glass of champagne and mingled with the crowd. A cleaning woman with a vacuum cleaner was bothering the gathering, talking loudly to attract attention. Then she had a collision with a waiter causing a crash. It seemed to be a noisy, crazy drama if you took it for real but, of course, the organizers just wanted to create a little entertainment while we waited. We all thought a bevy of naked dancing boys would have been a bigger success but you'd better watch it and make up your own minds.

The Award Ceremony itself lasted a couple of hours because the festival includes both gay and straight sections. It all began with a hip hop show and a dinner.


Photos - video captures

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Hi there!

Back again to continue my coverage of Hammer's new project with us. As promised I'm giving you a preview of the episode that features Boris

along with our twofer, the twins Radek and Michal.

It was also shot in the sauna-to-be that's under construction and began with a photo session, firstly with Radek on his own, then the twins together, lastly with Boris too.

I had a big problem keeping straight who is Radek and who Michal, since they're almost identical - you have to check very carefully to find some difference between them. The boys, who are very communicative, gave me a clue; they told me their dicks curve in opposite directions but I'm still not sure which is which! You see what great bodies they both have, I'd say they're perfect, and their six packs are really something. When George saw them he said immediately they could be cover boys.

The brothers have ambitions to become big stars and they're really going out for it. They're regulars at the gym, they practice martial arts, they work hard at everything that will keep them in class A condition.

Boris was new to me, although he's already made a few movies for other companies, and so I spent a few minutes interviewing him. Among the points of discussion we talked about his sexual behaviour, the positions he likes best, his status (on top or on bottom). He's very natural and says he's a hard fucker, you can see sex radiating from his eyes. He hates drugs, is ready to fight for his rights, proudly claims that he jerks off six times a day every day, and that during each episode he always comes twice. He's quite a character!

My clip begins with the footage I shot at the beginning of the episode when everything seemed to be going perfectly, the photo shoot is clear proof of that, but when the real action was just about to start Boris suddenly developed a crippling headache. He was feeling so poorly his hands were shaking and when after ten minutes he was in no better condition Rolf had to quit for the day. The continuation was rescheduled for several days later but for me it meant the end even before it started, because that was the day I had to leave Prague.

But don't be sad, all is not entirely lost. Although there are only a couple of shots from my coverage to show you I asked Rolf's team to send me here in Bratislava a few moments on tape of what they got. It's not long but at least it gives you a feeling of the scene.

Photos - video captures

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Greetings, You All -

Today I'm serving up a documentary episode that I shot in that happy hunting ground Budapest, with Lukas along as my second cameraman. It starts by introducing everyone who was involved in the piece. First I had to wake up Ralph who was hidden under an anti-insect net.

Lukas was giving a touch of make-up to the boys

and discloses that Ralph has a soft spot for him, especially when he touches him. He's convinced that Ralph gets a better erection whenever he, Lukas, is around him. Does that, do you think, mean that Lukas is some sort of Spanish Fly? (I favor oysters, myself.)

In the office you're also going to meet a newbie, by name Andrasz.

He's a sweet boy from the Hungarian provinces and he'd joined our party because he wanted to find out how it felt to be in front of the camera. That, anyway, is what he said. You'll complain he is not exactly the BelAmi type but later on you'll discover the attributes that convinced George to green light him for this episode.

So, let's start from the beginning. The whole idea was to take Ralph for a sightseeing tour around Budapest.

As you'll see, old reliable Matt had prepared an interesting plan for the day and besides all the dutiful arrangements they took themselves off to an old and (in)famous bath house in order to relax their tired and aching muscles.

Afterwards, as they were viewing the city together, to Matt's surprise they encountered this same Andrasz, a friend of his, so they all decided to meet up later and have a party.

Andrasz was delegated the task of buying a bottle of wine and bringing it over to Matt's place.

As we all know Matt is not someone who likes to be kept waiting very long, especially where sex is concerned, so, before you know it, the minute Ralph and he entered the room, they started to kiss each other and strip down. We then see Ralph licking Matt's ass and fucking him in three different positions, count them, three!

Photos - video captures

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Often when I wake up on a Saturday morning I think of all my friends out there in cyberspace, one by one in their time zones checking to see what's new in The Journal. So, to those freshly up, a very good morning to you - and my hope that you'll find today's post pleasing.

It's my coverage of the continuing cooperation between BelAmi and Hammer. I went to Prague again last month to find out about their new project together and spent two days with the current production. This time the two episodes I worked on were being shot in a future sauna building which meant the entire space was under reconstruction, dusty and messy and noisy. The actors in the first episode were Justin from BelAmi's roster and Milos from Hammer.

Before we started anything on the main shoot I recorded a brief interview with Justin. At a glance you realize immediately he's gained some muscle and his body now looks in excellent shape. He says he's watching what he eats and he's going to the gym several times a week. Good on you, Justin, keep it up!

What's the starting point to this episode? Well, Justin and Milos are supposed to be painting the walls of a room but unexpectedly they are painting their own bodies,

they're gently caressing each other, they're kissing, and they're really getting horny. What a surprise!

At one moment Milos got a red dot on his nose from paint on Justin's chest and he looked just like a clown, so we had to stop and clean him off. That made for a fun break in the proceedings!

Then it was Justin who took up the activity and gave Milos a blow job on a huge, red, deep pillow.

In one shot we can see and hear Jeff in that everlastingly good mood of his and the headgear I don't think he can operate without.

We later took another little break and that gave me the chance to talk to Milos.

As always I was curious to find out as much as I could about the boy but sadly he seemed reserved and when we'd finished he gave me the impression of being disappointed and nervous. Were my very intellectual questions just too much for him? Had the Paulik brain overwhelmed him? Did I browbeat him? Tell me!

Next, on to the fucking and for that position Hammer chose to have the boys upright. Before we even rolled cameras Justin and Milos were so close up to each other that I said, "Milos, just try to fuck him slowly to relax his ass", but I really didn't need to say it. Milos had already been in Justin's ass for some time.

Hmm, a great surprise to all of us. I tell you, there's no holding them back ever.

After a while, as the fuck was in progress, Jeff as first cameraman had to stop the action and give the boys some direction, they were fucking much too gently and smoothly. It was beautifully romantic, I agree, but in a porn film you want to see much hotter action so after that

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Photos - todd

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Hello, my friends -

It's always a pleasure for me to be online with you and to open up some more pages of my Journal. I really enjoy these little chats we have together, sharing my feelings and experiences as we take a look behind the scenes at BelAmi.

There's so much going on all the time it's not easy to keep up. One thing, I'm wondering whether you have now got used to the 15 minute clip format? I hope it pleases you and I'd like to know, so please send me some word.

For your delectation today I've cut together a documentary from the Personal Trainers Part 11 shoot. Marty as usual took the role of first cameraman and Sebastian was on second camera when he wasn't in front of one.

When that happened it was my little something to take over from him. PT 11, as you'd expect, is a relaxed, innovative, educational and highly sexy film, just as all those previous episodes in the series were over the years. They're among my favorites.

In this latest assembly, Marty and Sebastian decided to play around with a huge dildos, which could well take your breath away (or maybe not).

Petr and Misha are telling us whether or not they like massive cocks, then later, with Luke, they're making comparisons, they're playing with it, they try to suck it.

The mood on the set was again, typically, great. I know I'm always saying that but it is the way things usually go. At one moment saucy Luke is calling his mother to assure her he would never do anything bad, nothing that she wouldn't approve of!

And that's not all - we have a birth on the set!!!

There is also, of course, the usual selection of stimulating sexual situations, such as Luke fucking Misha while he's fucking Petr. Is that or is that not a turn on, hmm?

All set? Sit back, relax - three, two, one..... go!

I'll always love you,

Your Johan.

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Hi there!

You may recall that back in February I was telling you about Howard's Bratislava shoots featuring Dolph, Luke and Todd having fun at the shore and then later in the hotel.

Did you like it? And what about that yummy Dolph? You'll be pleased to hear I've recently done an interview with him and it's already on the schedule!

Today's offering was shot during Howard's later trip to Budapest. It's in two parts - one's at our office and the other at the so-called Buddha villa. Attila, our Hungarian manager, selected the models for the shoot which started out at our city base.

The space was very much to Howard's liking and he was posing the boys just about everywhere. He really took to the balcony and also worked on the stairs leading to the office.

Peter and David are really nice boys and love being photographed, although at this particular time they were very shy and inexperienced, real novices, but we all have to start somewhere.

Later on Howard went to the Buddha villa. It's located in Budapest and from the street it looks like any ordinary house but when you enter the garden you are surrounded by tons of trees, statues and wooden carvings. The entire place, garden and house both, looks so wonderfully relaxed and peaceful.
The models on the day were Karoly and Gabor and they were very sweet, although Howard had a tough time getting them together.

Photos - video captures

Photos - howard's first selects

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Hi everyone!

Back again. Here you have the third part of my coverage of the BelAmi/Hammer Entertainment joint venture. The models today are Kurt Diesel and Matus, a face new to BelAmi. Matus wasn't originally one of our models but after George saw him in this episode he asked him to work for us in the future. Marty has already done a photo session with him and the plan is to make a full episode very soon.

Before this shoot itself got started I took the opportunity to interview these two sexy youngsters.

My intention was to find out if they got to know one another the night before. The boys had been out to a few bars and pubs, met some fans and signed autographs. Matus tells us which parts of sundry bodies he was signing. I was also curious about the boys' sexual tastes and behavior.

Everything I'm talking about here is, of course, covered in the clip. Those of you who aren't BA members and consequently don't have the ability to see my film can if nothing else check out the video captures. If they don't find answers to every question there they will at least get the taste of it all. From my point of view the episode was very natural with a lot of drive, they really enjoyed themselves. A quick word about the boys; Kurt, as always, was in a sunny mood and he's still got that same big dick; Matus is a bit of an introvert, I think, but a really nice boy. As you can see, his body is perfect, and that ass of his, classic!

As for where it was shot, for the entire sequence Hammer positioned his models upright in an open lofty doorway.

The crew had created a bright, clean background which I think looks great.
Of course, that's my opinion. One thousand men, one thousand verdicts . . . What's yours?

D'ya wanna hear some gossip about the scene? Well, in the clip, we're talking to Matus about wrestling. He says he had started to wrestle because it gave him an opportunity to touch other boys' bodies. Then, after he told me that, he got worried that if any partner from his sparrings found it out he would be in trouble since one has to play the Macho Man. So, pssst, keep it quiet, okay? We don't want to ruin such a lovely boy's hobby, do we?

Did I mention that Matus loves to bottom and he was really looking forward to that part of the action with Kurt. He'd heard something about his partner's appendage toy before but had never paid much attention to it - until they began to fuck that is.

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Let's continue my coverage of the BelAmi/Hammer meet with this episode shot in that luxurious Prague apartment I told you about. Did I mention it's located just on the outskirts of Prague and belongs to - hey, come on, I can't tell you everything!

Which of the teams had any advantage at lineup? The field was evenly balanced with each company having two mounts up for the off, the BelAmi colors worn by sex jockeys Paul Valery and Jason Knightley.

Hammer had lads Dominik and Petr in the saddle.

It proved to be an excellent run. The two stables hadn't known each other before the meet but they instantly became friends. A stranger would have said they'd often been riding out together, neck and neck, cock to cock.

The action starts in the kitchen; I ask you, where else? Paul is pouring drinks for his guests and discreetly spreading around some little teasers to get it all going. Now, I have something of a warning here. A few weeks ago we had an issue with the word "faggot". In this new clip there's a brief scene where the boys start acting very queenly.

When I first started to edit the material I pondered whether to use it or just drop it. Since I always try to be reasonably sensitive and cautious about what I serve up for you I thought I should check this out with George so I showed it to him. He watched it and burst out laughing, it didn't bother him at all. Again, the lads weren't making fun of anyone or intending to be insulting, they were just happy and relaxed little bunnies having a laugh. In fact they were really sending themselves up. We're all big boys and I trust no one is going to be upset, but I'll be curious to learn how you react. If your comments are negative I'll have to think seriously in the future about being a tough censor and get rid of any possible points of contention. But I for one certainly don't want our exchanges to be bland and boring. Let me know.

If anyone reading this is still not a BelAmi member I'll tease them about what else is in today's lineup, so here goes:

You're missing some really funny situations thanks to these irrepressible nutters, especially Paul, who fills up and takes over every space he enters.

We have the opportunity to talk to Jeff Daniels, who's moved to Prague and now works with Hammer as cameraman and editor.

Peter talks about his tattoo

and I'm guessing at what he's hiding in his pants.

Dominik, in the middle of sucking Paul's cock, realizes he's dislocated his jaw.

Jason, preparing to get fucked, has a constant hard on and doesn't know the word detumescence.


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Day by Day in BelAmi - Part 9

Hi there!

It's been a while since we did this but here you have number nine of my reports on the basic stuff we go through every day at BelAmi. For us here it's simply old news but for you, I hope, it will be something new and interesting.

Today you're introduced to a pair of twins who came in to talk to George about possible future cooperation.

I spent a couple of minutes with them and realized immediately that one of them doesn't really want to shoot hard core movies. He's explaining what he would do and what he wouldn't do. You'll find out all about it in the clip.

Later on my trusty spy camera pokes its way in when they're shooting a sequence for another Personal Trainers, this one with Josh and Kieron Athey.

For this episode Josh was taking over the role of trainer to let Luke and Sebastian rest a bit, they're somewhat exhausted from all these fresh new beauties who've been littering the studio!

Kieron is a delicious new puppy and you can see from his moves he's still a beginner in the biz. Since he was bottoming for Josh I naturally aimed my questions towards his bottoming skills. Curious me, I was wondering whether he'd had any problems preparing for the action or whether he felt any pain doing it. The fact is he'd already had an earlier training session so the fuck he took from Josh wasn't quite his first experience in this field.

I got the feeling that he likes to be fucked, and why not?

During the breaks in shooting I also captured a few glimpses for you of the unscripted and entertaining moments that always occur. For example, Josh needs some help keeping his erection and he starts to tease me, asking me to suck his dick. Okay, but I'm retired from the hurly burly, I'm not active anymore for the camera, I've forgotten how to do it after all these years -

- but at least I remembered enough to jerk him off for a while. (That's something I might well be doing when I'm all alone in the evening and you peek through the curtains!)

Later in the clip you'll see the shots I took in our editing suite as Lukas, Luke and Harry discuss various matters and I'm surveying the situation.

Harry is too shy to tell me when is he going to shoot something more than an internet episode, Lukas is being secretive about his forthcoming projects, Luke as ev

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Hi everyone -

the Journal entry today is Part One of my documentary detailing the co-production between Hammer and BelAmi. Intriguing and unexpected, no?

How did it all get started? I'll tell you. George has known Rolf Hammerschmidt of Hammer for many years now. They weren't close friends, just colleagues in the same way of business, as we say. A little while back George happened to see some of Rolf's recent movies and had the notion of asking him to produce a film under BelAmi's auspices. Rolf liked the idea and began to get things together.

The actual production shot late last December and I was with them for three days, there to film during a foursome featuring Paul Valery, Jason Knighley, Peter and Dominik, then a threesome of Sascha Chaykin, Jacques Briere and Kevin Elola, finally an episode between Kurt Diesel and Matus. As you can see it's a mixture of our boys and others from Hammer Entertainment. I'm not yet going to reveal the concept of the movie, nor its title, you'll find all that out soon enough, so let's talk about today's featured episode.

It's the threesome, shot in a lovely, old, classic Prague apartment with its high ceilings and wooden windows and doors. It was beautiful, so unlike today's rubbish. The scene opens at night in the dark streets of Prague. Sascha plays an intellectual (don't laugh!) who picks up two likely tricks and invites them back to his flat and then . . . well, surely you can figure out what's going to happen?

The mood on the set was pleasantly easy. In the breaks Sascha was spreading around his smiles and jokes. Preparing Kevin for his fucking, we see Jacques' hand in action with a vibrator (violet no less), such a pretty picture!

A special note is that both Sascha and Jacques top Kevin in this scene.

I thought that would amuse you.

The pauses in filming provided me with a few moments to explore how the boys relax when they're not performing. Sascha sings to the vibrator mike,

while Jacques isn't aware that Sascha wants to rape him.
Sascha also tells us whether he still likes sex.

Kevin tells me if his family realizes he's now a big star, and also whether he has any siblings.

Frere Jacques shares his feelings about how hard it is to shoot a porn movie and confides his belief that holding back a load isn't very healthy.

Simply put, if I may, you've a lot to get through today and I hope you enjoy it all.

So, friends, do be having a good weekend wherever

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Howard's In Love With Dolph

Here's my second piece about Howard's summer stay in Slovakia. This particular session lasted a whole day and was a bit exhausting for everyone concerned but, don't worry, you won't realize that at all.

Howard started his shoot at the Bratislava beach very early in the morning. His reason? It's a famous spot much favored by the locals. By 9 a.m. it's always starting to get crowded and extremely busy and we don't want to see a lot of nasty naked old foreign tourists, do we?

Luke, Dolph and Todd were the principals and Toddy was a bit stressed because his mother usually goes there to swim. I couldn't convince him there's no maternal problem when he's simply frolicking with some naked boys in the water and being photographed at the same time, but he was quite bothered. What do you think? Do you agree with me or with him? And what does your Mom say?

Luke, busy busy as always, had to break off and go do a training session back at the studio but he joined us again later in the hotel room. I could see in his eyes he was happy to have been trying out a selection of new butts and balls... He never stops.

For the second half of the day Howard had chosen a luxurious suite with a superb view of the Danube. I suppose you'll say at this point the view doesn't really matter but what did matter was that Dolph and Todd, during a break, unloaded their energy while resting on the bed... Ah youth, it's indefatigable!

"Liebling" Matt was on the crew that day, helping us with the reflector and translating some for the boys.

I'm not surprised that Howard fell in love with Dolph, whom he really put to work this time having scheduled the lad for quite a few sessions. Lucky us, lucky you! We'll all have more of Howard's great images of this exquisite boy.


Photos - Luke, Dolph and Todd

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Dear members mine -

I think I must apologize that the nasty word "faggot" cropped up in the recent video featuring Paul and Mark. It wasn't of course meant to offend anyone, least of all gay people, but it was clearly the wrong word to use and I should have searched my brain for another translation for Mark's innocent but troublesome Czech epithet. It was my fault and I'm truly sorry if anyone was upset by it. Am I forgiven?

I hope you enjoyed last week's interview cum documentary with Attila. All that material came from Budapest and I'm happy it filled an empty slot in the web schedule. Actually, the location you saw in the clip will probably be used for the forthcoming Graffiti II movie.

For your pleasure today I've prepared a documentary I shot during that enthusiastic "Valery versus Reeves" coupling, which you seem to have enjoyed a lot. If anyone thinks that shooting porn is exclusively a serious and difficult enterprise he could well be right, but these two crazies cast all such theories absolutely to one side. That was one wild session.

Right at the beginning Marty proves how funny a guy he is with his delightful sense of humor. The other man, Mark, the one sitting next to him, I'm sorry to disappoint you is not our invisible George, it's our second cameraman; honestly! I've left him in the cut even though he's not quite perhaps an habitual BelAmi type because the entire scene is so funny it would be a shame to drop anything out.

Later you hear me teasing our liebling Paul on the matter of his bottoming.

I'd done it before in Prague (you'll soon be seeing some clips from that Hammer co-project). Paul seems to be convinced he'll remain only as a TOP player but, don't worry, I'll keep on at him and make sure he changes his mind someday. It wouldn't be his first time, after all.

While they were shooting they were telling each other stories from their youth so I also added one of my own. It made a nice feeling to remember it - a room full of boys jerking off to an erotic film. Happy days!

I hope the clip shows you how funny a shoot can sometimes be. The fact is, if Paul Valery is around nothing except the sex is taken seriously. Yes, that part of it between Colin and Paul is wonderful and full of chemistry but it's their joie de vivre that makes the episode so special.

Today, you're getting two facial cumshots.

Colin explodes in Paul's mouth and they kiss each other, no problem. For me that is super hot!

Photos - video captures

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Hello there, Dear Readers all!

First of all I want to apologize for the sudden changes to the Journal schedule. For the future you can expect my entries every second week. It's not my idea but although it's less frequent you'll be getting longer clips; I'll be making the episodes about 12 to 15 minutes long. I'll now have more time to travel and look out for interesting material for you, such as a different approach to interviews with the models (I'll try to film how they live, what they do in their spare time, things like that. If you have any special questions in mind give them to me and I'll try to get the answers. I'll be going to Budapest to case the situation there (I think you know our colleague Attila is based there filming the Hungarian castings, little internet episodes, photo shoots with the local models). I'll also drop by Prague where I can film BelAmi's internet operation and also whichever models happen to be around. Besides all this I'll still be shooting the basic stuff you're used to, BelAmi Day by Day as I see it. Is that OK with you? Right, then on to today's Journal.

After several trips along with us to South Africa and Europe, out of which came his very successful book Boys of BelAmi, our good friend and star photographer Howard Roffman was determined to come back and collect more signature material.

So, this past August, Howard returned to Bratislava staying for almost two weeks in a local classic hotel. Howard has a great 'eye' and I can tell you he used up every inch of his beautiful suite as background to his pictures. In addition to the hotel he had our studio at his disposal and for exteriors he was also shooting at the beach and on our streets. One session I particularly liked was of two boys on the stairway of an old ruined castle.

Who were lucky enough to be immortalized by Howard this time? I'll name them just as I remember them. From among the Czech and Slovak models he selected Luke, Todd, Dolph, Paul, Mark, Kevin, Kianu and just a few more. From Hungary came four other boys.

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Hi everyone!

Another Xmas is past and is old news by now (they do seem to come around with increasing frequency) but life goes on and now here we are alreay in 2008. I'm hoping this year we shall have something really new and exciting for you. Today is something quite special - I made up a clip about that book signing trip. You've already had some info about it and I posted a couple of pictures so you know that Josh, Justin and Matt met up with some of their fans at Bruno's store in Berlin.

Firstly the boys had a nice lunch and a relaxing stroll through the capital's streets, then they went to the shop to sign vast quantities of pictures, books, movie boxes, the whole shebang. The fans were allowed to paint the lad's bodies (it was the release of Graffiti, remember) and maybe win a prize of a BelAmi DVD. I was perfectly fine with that, no problem, so everything was in order up to the point that Josh took Justin for "a drink" in the back office of the store. Here my patience came to an end.

After being kept hanging around for some time, I went to look for them. You know what? These two innocent young things were in the middle of a blow job slap bang in the middle of the book signing! What audacity, what brass!

Naturally I had to pour cold water over them and send them back to the signing, that's what I'm here for. We must have order.

And there's yet more to tell you. What happened later in their hotel room is also for your consideration....

I'll be seeing you again soon for our regular session. At this New Year I'm wishing you all the best, be healthy and have unceasing hot sexual experiences. And what's most important - be happy and make the others happy too.

Hugs and kisses from your


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